The Year of Rabbit
Friday, February 11, 2011
Happy Chinese New Year!

Rabbit reminds me of my mum and Samantha!
Mum is cause she has e look of rabbit but the temper of a tiger! As for Sammy is cause she has lots of rabbits at her bf place! I bet this year she'll be very 旺!=p
Most of all, cards, tiles & snacks!^^
I seriously think that's the day where you see most people really put in effort dressing up and all showing radiance on their face. =D
On the 30th night, this is what my family will do every year.
1. Sis doing the decorations of the house and I thank her for the efforts.
2. Reunion dinner.
3. Go buy flowers! ^^
Pussy Willow


It's not only us that are excited. Early morning QQ had been running around the house as if she knew it's a special day!

It's a tradition to bring oranges along to exchange.
大吉大利!Meaning: Great luck, great profit;everything is thriving^^

Ahh~ Happy Day1! Where all long time no see aunties praise you getting prettier.
Fact is all these are make up! =(
Imagine I sleep like 4am every night, from no eye bags to eye bags..sobs >.<

Daddy is always cute. He knows I wanna take photo of him and immediately he posed!
I wore a chiong sam for the first time in my life.
Was thinking, this might be the only best time that I wear this without ppl thinking I'm nuts.
But still, I feel awkward visiting friend house wearing it. My initial thoughts was only to wear it to relative house, assuming aunties will like it? =p
Anyways, went summer's aunty house for steamboat dinner. While typing these, my stomach growl! -_-"
It's really delicious! Especially when we get to BBQ the bacon! =D=D
Well after that we played cards as usual and I followed Summer to her friend's house.
My jaw dropped and I keep asking GOD ...WA lao!! Why am I not as blessed as her!
@ Holland
Swimming pool
bar counter
mini cinema/ktv (exactly how cinema look like ok!)
Games room
living room can be like my whole house already la
dining room table like in those restaurants
own jacuzzi
I haven't got the chance to view the whole house as I'm not an official friend. Just being invited to come and play mahjong.
Well, I'm happy enough to have this opportunity to even step into houses like that! AHh~ ^^

Desmond, my poly year 1 class mate. Yearly routine, he'll invite us to his place.
Always crowded!
When everybody gets together..
真的 好喜欢过心年。。 大家都好象把烦脑和压力都放一边。

CNY Day 4:
Juup Nails crew gathers!
Jammy is thoughtful enough to drive me there.

My new colleagues, Krystle & Mya.

Jerniece signing off @1:05 AM