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Jammy's P.O.P
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Yay! Finally, POP day. Time passes so fast..
From the time when I just started know him till now..
I'm so proud of him!
He's posted to air force and think he's signing with them.
I love planes to which linked to I wanna get a plane kite!!
If he see's this he gonna say I anyhow link.. HEE~
However, he says he still have to go through one more security check.
Really hope he can get in cause I know he really want this badly. It's part of his future.
May GOD bless him! =D

Made some great friends too. Know dawn from Yun Xiang. It's a pity they didn't work out but I believed in this, if they are fated to be together no matter what happen they will be back together ^^


Jerniece signing off @6:08 PM
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Say STOP to slacking!
Monday, April 5, 2010

GRR.. Had been slacking since don't know when.
Reluctant to go for lessons made me feel like I'm a hopeless one.
Parties had been fun, which is only like 4 hrs of stress-free.
Bad anger management cause by MUM.
She gets paranoid like any secs.
She thinks I'm abnormal for sleeping so late.
Yes, I'll talk back and says she sleep late too and war begins.
Mum: " You think this is what I want?" Nobody wants to do house work.. "
Me: " We never force you. Don't have to wait for my clothes. Can just wash yours first"
Mum: "NO! all things have to be done today! Later no place to dry clothes." -_-"
More to go.. Sighs..
I just don't understand why she can't just let things go and controls us.
She thinks I'm lazy. Yes, I admit I'm LAZY but that doesn't mean she can use these as a weapon to accuse me for everything. Forget to switch off lights = lazy.
Never clean table when there's only few drops of water = lazy.
OK. I know I'm useless to you la!
Seriously, think she's suffering from depression why can't she seek help?
I think we will suffer if she continues like this.
Done with MUM issues.
I don't wished to complain much just wanna grumble a little.
I ("v") dramas. Gossip Girl is back and I still love it!
Due to lack of $, Jammy had been accompanied me watch Supernatural.
It's nice but I can't watch alone, cause my imagination is too good that I can get freak out any secs. These brothers, their MUM had died caused of some evil spirits and their DAD had been finding answers for it. Their DAD had start their "hunt" from then...
Okay, I'm feeling scared. SKIP!!@@"
I'm having some Korean Band crAZE NOW!
It's start from LOllipop [2ne1&Big BAng]..
and I love BIGBANG now!
Individually, they have their talent and they can sing in Jap.
But I like T.O.P the most cause of his deep vocal. HAaa.


Now let me share about what Father had taught me.
On Wed 31/03/10
randomly, I just feel I need GOD cause I'm feeling down.
some how he led me to Exodus 40:36-38.
In Exodus, he led the Israelites by using clouds.
which tells me he'll led me.
I do not have to worry about what would happen next or do things my own.
I feels that he's telling me to let go whatever I am planning and let him led me.
Have trust in him.
I'm really happy and felt loved at that moment.
However, how long can I stay close to him? I'm always so stubborn..

Jerniece signing off @2:35 AM
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