My Poly Loves
Friday, December 10, 2010
I'll never be able to graduate happily without them, Katherine, Sammy, Mary & Ah Xuan.
Back to poly days, they never fail to wait for me, giving morning calls, gossiping, playing viwawa together etc.. Haha~
Besides my Secondary school days, I must say I'm blessed and had a wonderful poly days. I never felt lonely or helpless because I know they will be there with me, except for CCA of course!^^
Met up with them on tue & I've introduced them MANGO^^
It's so funny that Katherine shared with her boyfriend that she just know a new friend. That's hilarious because she's acting like a kinder garden kid. Too much influence from her students?
Of cuz not! That's what I like about her. Blur and naive at times.
YAY, I can declare that she's more blur than me! KEKE~

Since I had this cravings for Korean BBQ chicken for weeks, I pleaded them to eat that for dinner. Among all the meet ups I had with them for lunch/dinner would be BBQ chicken!
Next time we'll try others okay? I'll try to keep my promise, but I can't guarantee my cravings for that day!=P
Sometimes life can be just so simple. An outing to sing, a dinner with friends, and playing monopoly deal can just brighten my day! Can't wait for e next outing.

Jerniece signing off @3:14 AM