I'm indeed blessed.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
[NOTE: Music Video @ The End of Posts]
Over the weekends, I've enjoyed my life to the fullest eventhough I'm not feeling well.
Let's start with Marina Bay Sands.
I'm blessed enough to have this opportunity to have one overnight stay @MBS!
Thanks to Ah MA & Daddy.
What I heard from Dad was MBS offered them at discounted rates as they went to their Casino, which obviously they gambled.
Dad told that lots of people actually made complains about MBS giving free hotel stay which in my opinion, I think it might be a good marketing strategy in certain ways. It's actually a good opportunity for a family to enjoy a get-away trip.
Maybe some of the family members are prone to gamble, but when you are having a holiday with your family, isn't it a better way to convince your loved ones not to gamble too much?
anyway, I enjoyed myself. It's a pity that sis had projects to rush and thus unable to join us.
Internet is chargeable, and it's not cheap. Food from the fridge taken out after 30 secs is chargeable too! LOL. Seriously, I'm quite surprise that MBS actually charge internet usage, when it's like a 5star hotel?
We were lucky to have this room. BIG and spacious! Love it!
I was hoping JW might able to tag along but he's too busy with his exam coming up. So I went to the sky roof for a stroll. I was amazed by SG night view. It's really beautiful.
Flashback, SG really changed a lot! My primary school days SBS buses still not fully air-conditioned lo!
What I liked most about MBS was the swimming pool concept. If I have the chance to stay a few days more, I think I'll try finish reading a book while suntanning there!
What surprises me is that in certain angles, the swimming pool doesn't seem to have any barrier at the corners, which can be quite scary. Haaaa= D
All photos are had been loaded to my FB. Search my name @ Thiang Jie Si.

It was a Friday night. I've plans to go drinking or join JW to club, but I knew I had to go home and rest if not I'm sure fever gonna hit me.
Though I'm not feeling well, I insist going to shabu shabu.
Dinner was planned by Adriene & Xin hui I assume.
Didn't get to eat much as it's so hard to swallow food down my painful throat! =[
But still, I enjoy gatherings =D

Me Singing: Here we at the zoo zoo zoo! How about you you you!
I had no idea why I got the memory of this verse. Must be some of those educational videos I watched when I'm younger.
JW's AIR FORCE FAMILY DAY. They all get free entry to ZOO. I had to pay for tickets unless I'm his wife!-_-"
Frankly speaking, I LOVE going to zoo! Reminds me of school excursions when you don't have boring lessons! Actually I had quite a few of my childhood memory in ZOO.
I remembered last time the children area, we only get to play mini slides, playground and swings! Now, it's like a mini wild wild wet for children!
I didn't get to see yellow mini chicks.=[

YOU SEE YOU SEE THE LEOPARD! So cute la! She's so lazy and sleepy like me! The way she hugging the trunk so cute la! The prints are pretty too!
All photos uploaded to FB already. =D
While viewing those animals, I wonder how it would be like IF me and JW having kids and bringing them here. Think it'll be fun and..TIRING! After lunch, JW and me had a power nap in the bus!
That's about the entertainment part. Back to reality, BIBI had been limping! Sighs, brought him to the vet and she had not idea what happen to BIBI yet. We only know his toe is swollen and in pain. She gave an injection and medication for pain killing and swelling and apprently it's not bringing BIBI's pain away at all. He's still limping! =[
Becuz of it, JW had been very frustrated, especially his MAIN EXAM is around the corner.
I can't help much. =X
The only thing is pray for him. May GOD bless him. I can see how hard working he had been and he's really serious about it, yet he still have to worry about BIBI and financial stuffs.
Have faith that DADDY in heaven will bless him ba =D

Jerniece signing off @10:08 PM
Do not judge a book by its cover
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Yes, I know! What a cute happy family! -_-..
The title already summarized my thoughts.
If it's not becuz we wanna have fun taking picture with QQ, I don't think this photo will exist.
Mum did something that triggered me that I can't control my tongue and anger!
Don't get the wrong idea, I did not scold her any vulger words.
She went mad because...
After my shower, I was in a very nice mood. I picked up my dirty clothes and wanted to throw it into the washing machine.
Just before she said:"don't mix.."
I've already threw in the dirty clothes with the washed ones.
There she goes, crazily MAD, starring at me with her eyes wide, hands one her waist and wanted to shout...
Just before she did, I said(in chinese): "YAr la, my brain was not working can?!"
She replied: "Glad you know!"
NOTE: Sometimes I forget to do it, and she would be pissed.
WHAAAA! I snapped! She'll always scold me dump, no brain etc whenever I did small mistake like this! Actually for my normal instinct, I'll get shocked and scared when she suddenly shout, which explains why I can get shocked and afraid of things easily. I really dislike her for that.
I had every memory remembered that she comes home with a very disturbed face cause house seems messy or floor dusty, and she's in a bad mood. Then SIS & I would have to be very cautious in everything we do.
She's my mum and I know she love us but TOO MUCH IN A WRONG WAY, way over until I hate her!
She do things out of love, but then claiming that we ill treat her by not helping her.
Anyway, there's too much to complain. I think I better go pray & go to bed.
GRR! *ANGRY* NITES* and she came in mopping the floor at this hour and hitting my chair purposely with the MOP!! OMG!! @@
AND what happened to Photobucket??!! All my photos can't be seen! T.T

Jerniece signing off @1:11 AM