Usually I'm not a very romance movie lover. But this one is not bad.
February 14th, Valentines Day, is not a national holiday, but it is one of those days that must be celebrated. There are "special someones" in your life who expect to receive romantic gifts from their lovers. Commercialism has put a tremendous amount of pressure on men to give their lovers a romantic day with all the trimmings. Women are under pressure to have a man, or they feel desperate and unloved. Valentines Day follows the lives of several couples during this day. Their stories are told through the interconnections they have with each other. Some will find romance in their relationship, and others will feel the heartbreak of ending a relationship. In this Russian roulette world of finding love, everyone in the film is asking for advice on how to find and keep true love. Douglas Young (the-movie-guy)
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Jerniece signing off @2:11 AM
The Happy MOments are over...
Friday, May 14, 2010

A relaxing and enjoyable week~ ^^
I wasn't anxious about my Birthday celebrations until the day before the actual day.
Celebrated with diff groups and received wonderful gifts! Thanks to all my lovely friends, and of course, to those who are busy with work or exams that made e effort to text me. Hope to catch up with your soon.
Not forgetting to thanks my BF for bringing me out for celebration.
I'll update photos soon.
That's last week~
This week was total diff. It came crashing down like so bad till I felt so useless and immature.
Flashbacks of not attending lessons and waste dad's money make me feels like I'm a bad daughter. That is why my final decision is work first and use the money for own degree cert.
Because of training myself for FT life, I purposely scheduled a 5 days work consecutively. However, at the end of the day I fall sick! -_-""
Might be due to some emotional stresses too but still, I hope I can survive through this and learn.
Pass 1 yr had been slacking, sleeping, enjoying, surviving with such minimum pay are enough!
SO, I better pick up from where I fall fast and move on.
Even my BF is doing better than me! Hmm..
Whatever !加油吧!

Jerniece signing off @2:37 PM