Dance Performance Week
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Last weekend was pretty packed with plans.
Went for 2 dance performance.=x
Jitterbugs Swingapore presents WANNA DANCE 2010.
If you love dancing and when you see them dance, you'll just wished that you could be part of the performance. =D
Recall, I participated in GEM 2 & 3!
Still love GEM 3 lots! People who are interested there's video in Youtube for GEM 3 & 4!^^
It's the first time Jw accompanied me. He's not those very interested kind but glad that he enjoyed. He's quite amazed by some of the stunning props done by the props team.
Anyway I've loaded some videos that I took that night to FB.
here's the link...!/profile.php?ref=profile&id=662202323Xiang Ying & Me^^
Some of the shots..
During the 15min interval..
Pole Dancing..(Wanna Dance)
Children dancing HIP HOP! LOL~

Jerniece signing off @1:00 AM
Dog Fair
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
It's not like I'll just go for movie & dinner every weekends.
Brought the troublesome Q and the quiet B out.
it's Bi first time to crowds and get to see so many dogs.
Q being excited as usual, whining & fidgeting, hoping into her outing bag herself and annoy us!
Please do not get confused. Left is QQ and right is BIBI.
Was quite excited until we reached there.
We don't expect to have so little dogs running around. We were hoping it's more crowded or lively. There's total of 4 dog activities but only 2 of them are considered popular.
First game that Q tried is this. She have to stay focus and not leave the square "grass" box when the little chu chu train get pass her. Think a minimum of 6 rounds to win this game.
Of course QQ won!
She'd not even interested after the 3rd round when the train came out. She was listening to her Mummy command.^^
Her prize was a half bag dog food.
BB tried too but FAILED. -___-" The moment the train came out he was so afraid of it!
胆小鬼!lol~ Guess it's because BB had been ill-treated before Jammy adopted him.

Another game we tried is this. We have to guess the correct total weight of dog+owner to win.
Haaa.. We asked Jammy to carry QQ cuz he know his exact weight and we knew QQ's.
QQ(4kg)+ Jw(55kg)=59kg and BINGO! We won!! Haaa..
We get to choose dog perfume or some skin care item, but all half filled.
We choose anti ticks, insect bite spray.=X
Anyway this Ang Mo is so fit! His dog seemed heavy..
Since we won the present then don't waste it lo.
Immediately we brought these 2 creature to spray their paws.
Top(BB) Bottom(QQ)
See how QQ half squad/sit so funny!
The 2 main owners! One day I'll buy myself a dog and name PILLOW! hmph.
Made Q&B to take a photo first, but they can't stay focus.
I'm like their nanny lo. Taking bags, camera, taking photos etc..
Off they go! Time to go "sniff sniff" and make friends...
Only QQ can be unleashed cause she's trained to listen to command.
BB only knows how to sit and nua..
it's sweet to see kids petting dogs. Cause they looked innocent!!
This breed is cute.

"Time to go home..Really enjoyed myself and I think I've made Mum & MumII really tired!
Don't know why BB don't want to run about like me.. Hmm.. no wonder he's fat! =D
Sigh... Gonna get showered later.
better have a quick nap now..-_-Zz
Love, QQ~

Jerniece signing off @10:05 PM
Lunar New Year
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Last year, he broke the promise and things went bad, even break ups.
This year he's sweet! ^^ Promised to bring me go 拜年, even though we only went to one of his friend, ZAO ming house. LOL.
His friend had this mix breed which is only few months old and it's quite big size.
He's name is funny, named nine million, 九万!=D

Went to Ichiban for lunch. Jw joined too^^
We were all late and DAD was complaining that he's really hungry and can't stand our bad habits! We all kept quiet.=x

Sigh. Do not judge a book by it's cover. Photo seems nice,peaceful and loving.
But the truth is how long can they maintain it? A little tiny stuff can trigger Mum's mood plus her knee is hurting her badly now so sigh.. I also don't wanna think about it.
Even e article on JACK neo can trigger temper. She says this reminds her about the time when
DAD lied or cheated. Have no idea about the actual incident and I don't wanna know! =/
CNYD5During sec school time, during CNY, we would go to hui's aunty house for steamboat.
This year don't have BBQ :(
Anyway I'm Happy Hui got a NICE bf! They both looked alike!
Tan & cute!

Since I'm early so I cam-whore alil. =p

Cousin Jeremy and Aaron came to visit.
-_-" they don't like QQ cuz they find QQ too aggressive!
Jeremy(Elder bro), sat at the dining table and did some drawing and I find it nice!
Got the feel of a young artist, just like me when I'm young;p

After explaining to Aron that QQ is just playful and need to sniff their scent to familiarize and she's trained not to bite, he did tried play with QQ alil. HAaa.

If I'm his art teacher I'll give him ...B+ so that there's room for improvement =P

Jerniece signing off @9:42 PM
Lunar New Year
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
CNYD1As usual, all of us woke up late except Dad & QQ. The early birdies. JW suppose to join me to my Grandma house but also couldn't wake up! LoL. CNY is my 2nd favourite holiday. I think it's amazing that almost all the stores in Singapore would be closed and people, friends and family visiting one another and gamble!! Huat ah!!!~
This Red dress was my X'mas present from sis. Mum find it too over exposed!-_-"
In order not seeing her giving a black face or going crazy abt it I wore a jacket on.
I find it still acceptable though.

Though we are all in a rush to go out, I still wanna take a photo with QQ first! She seemed excited.
I wonder if she knows that she's not joining us at all. We dressed her up in kimono!;p

"Wang Wang..Wroof!"

First destination, Grandma house. Second, walk a few steps to Da jiu house! =D
and here we will go... 新年快乐,身体健康, 万事如意,恭喜发财,学业进步 etc..
3rd, 二姑 house.
It's a gather of DAd's 3 brothers excluding one that wanna sue owe family, and 3 Sisters.
Ofcourse there's some others close related relatives too. ^^
Myron, my new cousin. First year doing his BAI NIAN!=D

Isn't he cute!!@@ he looked grumpy cuz his DAD woke him up to take photo. =P
ANyway not I mean hor, it's just that he's half aslp only...
Haaa..=D 8th eddie house.
The Gamble Den.
Jammy won $$ and gave me $20! ka ching!

No motivation to continue..
Guess I'm too tired as I woke up early for school!!=D
I need a afternon nap now! Eyes are closing. -_- zZzz

Jerniece signing off @1:58 PM