Sunday, February 21, 2010
My family had our reunion dinner on eve's eve. The place we went to I won't even name it as restaurant! When I stepped in is all China workers giving this disgusting drunk look. However, food was still okay, but the ambiance already turned me off! Initially I thought we were going to hotel restaurant and I dressed so formally! SHld have just wore T-shirt and shorts! -_-"||

Finally! CNY eve. Went to river Ang Bao as Daddy have tickets for the performance.
Err, and I didn't really enjoy the performance except for those high school kids, from Taiwan performing some stunts.
Main objective is to feel the presence and excited of the coming of the Tiger!
While waiting for Sis ..

This is my best shot already. Daddy's car screen always have stains.
The decoration along the roadside...
the River Ang Bao...

My zodiac.. the Famous Dragon!!

This is beautiful. It's made up of porcelain spoon and sauce plates.

Had cravings for this hard 麦芽糖! The fun part is you have to spin the arrow and see which picture you stop at. I had this feeling God asked me to ask me spin. Ting gave me a look and said that she's always unlucky, but as expected, I won the DRAGON design! WHoooohoo! The biggest one inside! =P

Hah! actually this is the reason that I came for this count down! FIREWORKS!
Managed to snap a few of it and I think its beautiful! ^^

We used to have this tradition that Grandma would buy us New Year pajamas. I thought I told MUM to ask Ah Ma to buy something more sexy and this is what we got! Sis one is blue and mine is pink! HAaaa! Cool hor!

End~ Can't wait to blog CNY D1&D2!
Cause there's this cute dog named 9 million! 九万!=D

Jerniece signing off @3:26 AM
A Quick Update
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
I'm gonna busy this week. I didn't expect my test came so fast! Mon wld be my stats test . I'll just pray that I can pass. Sigh..
Last weekend I'm sick. Sorethroat, flu n fever.. So I only had lil appetite.

Bought some mask too since I finally got my pocket money. It's a new face mask from thefaceshop. I prefer the cloth ones cuz the gel one is not those thick ones.

Finally got this bag from Muji for my Nails stuffs. Looked more professional with it.
This cost me $49! But I think it's worth buying as it's more convenient for me to carry my tray of things around^^ and the first thing I did was to put QQ in it! LOL~
We are like bullying her but she enjoys it! HURhur. =D
See how happy she is!

-posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Jerniece signing off @3:27 PM