Mini Surprise for Jam^^
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Met up with Mango and JiaMin to icing room last Fri cause I planned to do Jammy a surprise gift. A mini cake designed by me! Haa~
It was really fun and I think it's really a thoughtful gift.
Mango and Jia Min did a "Sorry" cake. Hmm..
Hope their BF would be cheered up by this sweet effort made.

This is ICING Room @ somerset.
http://www.theicingroom.comSmallest 4 ($12+)"~ Biggest 8"($28.80)
Additional Icing would be charged.
However some mini flower icings are FOC.
Above are some of the decorations that can be added on. Pretty right?
I'm on budget. So I got the 4" one..
These are what you'll get after the payment.
The Cream Vanilla Cake.

Icings & Coloured Creams.
^^Can't wait to start!!~
WHoooHoo~ My Design!!^^
The Storyline of this is..Portraying Me(The little Girl) giving him this present!=P

The Couple angel like Icing is a add on. Think is around $2.90 if I never remember wrongly.
The Choco-round thingy is a add on too. (PS, can't remember what's that called.)
It's not as tasty as I thought anyway.

I feel that we are sweet ladies!! LOL. Self praising.
Mango and Jia Min already had the idea to do a funny version of their bf face.
I was not prepared cause I knew I would add on with icings but have no idea what they have, hope next time would come out with a better ones.
Anyway a reminder to all:
After deco you have to bring it home immediately as it actually melt quite fast.
We were told 2 hrs but actually it melted while I'm still decorating.
There's a small eat in corner so you can invite your friends over instead. ;P

Jammy Loves it. =D
He was blushing while we all sang Happy Bday song for him. Guess he's pai seh ba..

Gonna go rest again. Feel like puking.-_-"

Jerniece signing off @2:01 AM
Annoyed by ownself!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Sharry you are so right about this!!
Actually I don't mind buying already made blink for $25 instead of DIY!!
I took 2 hrs and it's still incomplete.
Turned out, I'm vexed by those stones, glue and cuttings!
Pros: You can do the design. [which what I want Initially]
Might be slightly cheaper. [which I need!]
Cons: very time and patient consuming! [Which my temper went bad]
Will cause muscles ache. [Spent 2 hrs plus]
End up quite a mess.
Have to use glitter nail varnish to apply the cover base to match the sticker! [End up my hands are in a mess]
Sigh... $25 VS $17
Now I don't even wanna think of blinks liao..
Maybe normal ones are good enough, unless I'm loaded I'll go for a G-MASK! =P

But this unfinished piece of art work what should I do?? Buy the blink to continue?
Hai .. Don't know la.. End up I sleep so late! My eye bags are getting more prominent! Sobs.

Jerniece signing off @5:25 AM
Some Updates.
QQ is sick!
Her eyes had ulcers! :(
That's why her eye is slightly reddish and watery.
First she puked on my Sis bed and this made a big commotion.
Even Ting had to throw away her "BAOBEI DOU DOU" that she had been using since young.
Then mum went crazy cause she had just changed the mattress.
QQ went to hide.
Then I put her into her bed. Randomly, I asked Ting why she ignored QQ. She said she's angry as she had to throw away her DOU DOU. LOL
I went to pat QQ. THENN!!!! Her left eye were closed! (Normally when we are near her she will open her eyes)
I shoke QQ but there's no reaction from her!
I carried her up and her right eye is perfectly fine.-_-"
We assumed that it must be soap went into her eye while bathing.
Brought her to doc next day immediately and thank GOD we bring her to doc fast, if not the ulcer might grow bigger and cover the whole eye. @@
Poor Girl.. I LOVE her...But she's naughty!!! -_-"

Had not been cam whoring for quite some time. =X hee~
So took some with Naughty QQ!
She just don't like taking photos! How i wish she can pose like Butter or Xia Xue's dog.

Hur HUr, I didn't realise she's yawning when I'm posing! So funny! =D

Jerniece signing off @4:28 AM
Off to school for lesson
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Whoohoo! Though I'm late for lesson but I felt happy!
Had prepared my stationary for school. With colour pens, organiser and kawaii file, I think I can motivate myself more! ;p

Lesson just ended. Heading home and rest. Gonna meet sharry for sukisushi.
Follow by afternoon nap!
Then nail lesson.
Jubilant. I like my day like this. Carefree. I'll ignore the part where I have to spent on food^^
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Jerniece signing off @11:49 AM
Weekend Date with James Eu! =p
Saturday, January 16, 2010
It's weekend again and I'm meeting JW in 11 hr time! =D
Yes. I'm back with the one who understands me thoroughly. My bad habits, my interest, my mood, attitudes..
He changed quite a lot too. Wonder of this apply to most guys before going army. He's much more caring and sweeter to me. However, his "breaking promises" habit seems to be coming back soon.. not forgetting to complaint that he's clubbing now and didn't even give me a text!
Sighs.. I trust him anyway. ;D Just hope he'll text me soon if not I'll say that next time if I go clubs I shall do the same.=p

KawAii Desu ka? =P
He actually put a " DANGER " pointing at me!-_-||
Hee..^^ Last week addictions. Took around 4 times in a week!

Hee~ Botak Jammy! He's vvv busy texting, camp mates and his buddies.-_-"
I'm left there eating.. ( Maybe that explains why I seems to gain weight)
and take photo lo! >.<

Jerniece signing off @3:49 AM
I hate my laptop!
Friday, January 15, 2010
This is crazy! Had an heart attack and ruin my night! Next min i just realised that my music are all gone! This is because me, acting smart, thought that removing extra, or various folders found in my laptop should be deleted and would solve or lessen the problem of lagging or hanging of my laptop! Sighs.. My favourite tracks! Rnb.. Classic.. Pop music.. I'm gonna die! I'm in a very bad or I should say sad mood now..
If only I hve the money, I'll just get myself a new one! Now, I just hope zc, a friend of mine, who's good in IT stuffs can help me reformat soon and stop the " slowness" of my com..
I'm just really sad that I got this anger in me asking GOD why do this to me? Y can't things go nicely?... The ans I heard from him was, "there's people out there can't even afford feed themselves well. Think about it. Well, I fought back thinking then y some ppl get to enjoy so happily? :( haiz. He replied " you knew the ans. It's up to u if u wanna listen.." I felt sad.. Y am I so stubborn and kept complaining when I can tell ppl 知足常乐?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Jerniece signing off @3:45 AM
Random Luch/Dinner
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I had tried my best to describe how to get over to chomp2 from the bus stop but somehow she ended up at the market on top, which is near the police station! LOL.
Reason: She haven't been to chomp2 since maybe 2 yrs ? Eddie! Why never bring Mango to chomp2? HAa..
Chomp2 can be considered as one of my favourite place for stingray!! I'll recommend the first store near the entrance. Love their sambal chilli. That's the only chilli I know how to eat. It's spicy, but it's sweet and sour as well, just love the mixture of it! =P
Now I feel hungry already..=D

These are what we ordered! ^^

Yeah! Photo taking is impt! So ya, smiles. :)

Totally had a filling meal! Delicious and satisfied!

Jerniece signing off @1:23 AM
Post X'mas xchange! ^^
Friday, January 8, 2010
Jf & I had been planning to give HY this surprise B-day calender card! However, both of our timing are quite filled up during dec'09. Thus we had it on the 6th! =D
We even made the effort to meet earlier and then act as though we just reached so she won't think that we're up to something.
The plan failed! HAa..
While waiting for the act of JF was being late for the meet up, HY was browsing my new organiser and the day's date I wrote this:
Meet JF @ 1.30pm
Meet HY @3pm
HA! These is how she knows we are up to something -__-"
BUt still.. we still had fun!

Then, we had our post x'mas gift exchange! Our favourite part!
♥ I got HY & JF a lA sENZA T-string! =D [so not very nice to take photo with it hor].
♥ HY really surprised me with ROYCE NAMA choco! That's like my fav! :D
♥ JF is so sweet! She made the effort to made us these cute and sweet looking chocos! Just love it!
♥ JF received this worship CD from HY. It's original! Yeah! and more worship songs! ~_~
[I'm so gonna borrow from her!]>_< src="" alt="06-01-10" border="0">
Since we're at PS, we went to take NEOPRINTS! AGAIN!;p
Cheap Cheap budget ones!

JF says I look really happy as though those cash notes are real. -_-"
Who will not be happy right? MONEy lei..
More to come. Had a few meet ups with GF-s lately^^

Jerniece signing off @1:56 PM
Random Dinner
Thursday, January 7, 2010
These few days, I'm getting used to random meet ups. Was wondering where should I go after work. I don't want to go home and play emo. LOL. Mango was telling me that she would be meeting Adeline for dinner, so I joined them ^^.
Adeline is my insurance adviser! She's working for prudential. A nice, sweet and gentle young lady. If wanna buy insurance find her kay! ~_^
Had pepper lunch at ps for dinner. It wasn't that delicious as it's a franchise and Mango was complaining her Unagi had this foul smell and her rice is very wet and sticky. I had the same order as Mango but think I was too hungry that I finished all without much thinking. =x Thank God I didn't LS which means the food is still ok.=p
Then we went to this place where I once randomly found out where you can take nice Neoprint that is much cheaper!! ^^ the lousier quality cost $5 and the better quality one cost $7.

Had Fun Girls =D

Jerniece signing off @11:32 PM
2010 A fresh start ^_~
Monday, January 4, 2010
All I can say is that what a weird 2010! LOL.
First was my fringe that went weird, the my brow, and now blogskin giving me problem.
Anyway haven't been doing updates on that so it's quite an opportunity for me re-edit one.
Wasn't totally sastified with the new layout but still pleasant looking to me, so ok ba. =)
Gonna start a school soon. It was quite a last min decision. Initially my plans was to work. However, it's so hard to get the jobs I wanted to try. Almost all wants a degree cert or experiences in that field.
Guess for the whole past 6 months I had been just dreaming and focusing on getting rich and to spent on stuffs that I want but can't really afford!! Bye Bye 2009 and I'm gonna study hard. This shall be my New Yr resolution! Hope God presence can lead me through my life.

Jerniece signing off @10:57 PM