That's Me.
Those DAys.
The Bloggers.
Super Bowl
Saturday, September 26, 2009
It's been awhile since I last met my church cell mates. But since God had blessed me tuition for a kid, and he's having tuition on sat morning which means NO PARTY! Moreover, I'm broke as usual. When HY asked me if I want to join church cell for bowling, I hesitated. In the end I went cause I felt peace in me when I made that decision and Jing Fang accompanying me too! Anyway, I had fun!
Must really praise and thank the one who prepared all these food! It's really tasty! "Healthy snacks" I love the guava with..err, can't remember what bird say..It's my favourite, follow by the suassage. The grapes, both purple and green ones was the most popular among all!
Spilted ourselves into three teams to have a friendly competition. We scored the best thanks to HY and JOel!! HAaa..HY being the humble one, kept scoring strike or 9-!
Joanne's wanted to touch the bowling too..But no space already..=X
Team 2
Team 3 LOl~ Bird & JF looked pro!
Eliz, sorry arh.. They wanna video u. LOl. So funny & cute!
Group Photo Take. After 2 rounds of bowling, I broke my 2 thumb nails and muscle aching, which shows that I really need to do some exercise real soon!
____ Nitex_____25'09'09 Jerniece signing off @8:51 PM
Hmm...Decided to write a short post, if not I'll guess there would be update for weeks. Had been busy just to work to earn $ for driving, insurance, more allowance to spend and of course my favourite, travelling! Had some plans for my packed schedule on OCT!
Family Chalets
Genting,Cameron Highland,KL trip
Summer's bdae getaway to phukit! (I can't wait to go!)
Exams (So stress about it! Haven't been really working hard. Failed OB and stats and I'm so sad about it..But it's my fault who can't concentrate..=( However, I scored High Disctinction for Accounting and I'm proud of myself! Hee~ But seriously, the thought of giving up always come to my mind.. Is not that I'm totally not interested in the course is the journey to school for just one boring 3 hrs lecture seems so meaningless...Sigh..)
And Tuition
The only way that allow me to distress is to slack around .. Good News!!! GOSSIP GIRL SEASON 3 is out!!!!! Wheeee~ HAd been waiting for that for months!!! I just love this series, though sometimes it makes me feels like being waelthy! Just finished watchign the first episode and I can't wait to watch epi2! Jerniece signing off @3:38 AM
Me. Thiang Jie Si Jerniece
[Jernny]: Called by BF only.
Birthdate. 3rd May 1988
L.o.v.e.s ♥
Royce chocolate is my addiction. ■ candies can make me happi.■ Dance when i'm high.■ Music take my stress away. ■ Volleyball & blading are my fav ball sports!■ Mahjong is my fav time-consuming activity!
Addicted to KOREAN BAND BIG BANG! esp. TOP ■
adore JAY's Chou Talent!■
LIKE JAM Hsiao's VOCAL >.<