That's Me.
Those DAys.
The Bloggers.
The Dogs
Monday, August 31, 2009
Recently had been taking photos of QQ. Wonder why sometimes dogs are so cute. They are actually quite smart. I love to see their guilty expressions when they stop whinning and looked away.. Haaaa... That's the only time they know they should listen and stay still. LOL!
She's emo-ing.. Cause she walks over with her strawberry toy.. Wanted me to play with her.. But she acts as if she's lying on it and playing with herself. She knows that I'm going out. =p It's so hard to take her shots as she's hyper active and usually DON'T pose. unlike like Butter.. Sighs.
Took this a few weeks back..Remember once there's a very popular cartoon on "THE DOG"? I think QQ look like one in the photo..LOL
SUNDAY, 30th Aug. Having photoshoot @ Mango's house.. Butter went dinner with us first. When we're home, it's time for butter to breathe some nice air! Isn't she cute? Look like owner hor..
Photoshoot is always tiring .. I have no idea why.. But it's fun working with someone comfortable. =) Butter loves to join us..BUT she's always at one corner waiting cause we cannot let her near our stocks.
Bought QQ new shirt! Thanks to Mango. She found it at Daiso. ^^ Which means $2!! Bought one bright blue for BIBI also! U can Butter wearing one too.. I pity QQ. She's sleeping soundly at my sis bed actually, but I carried her out cause I can't wait to see her wear this. =P I know I sound bad.. But I let her rest on my leg while I took pictures of her kay.. You can seee she's very "nhua".. I even hear her snore when she's sleeping beside me lor! =_=
Sis friend, TK bought her a new collar too! See~ She looks sporty.hee~ Well.. Guess sometimes Dogs are better than us. But most importantly, must have good owners like us ^^ hee~
Ignore the ugly photos but focus on the curler k. I know it's hard to see cause it's black, but it's really cool! It actually stays and I bought it at Daiso! I love Daiso.. Always can find funny nice stuffs there! I didn't know until Alyssa told me she uses that to curl in her bangs to give more volume and it helps alil in reshaping ur face features.^^
Alrights.Tht's all for now. I better get my books out and study! =p Jerniece signing off @2:32 PM
22nd August 2009, Sat The *Key Tag to open HerLuggage^^
It's our Big Day! I was unable to go for my AC training cause of this! Mango & I had rented a stall at SMU to sell our last few piece of collection clothing as well as some other cloths of our own. =) Morning, it's nice that Bryant offer to meet up for breakfast and had accompanied me to collect our HerLuggage name card.
Was so disappointed with the card quality! It's cheap but they was unable to produce good quality namecards. I was even the one who told them the photo was too pixelated and I offer to redo and send them. We wanted it slimmer but no changes done. Last min still can call Mango saying unable to collect in the morning but noon instead. Eddie negociated and they promise us by 11.30. They were late and the card quality is soft, really soft! Sigh.. It's @ TPY ..
Okay, enough complaints and back to flea market. Really appreciated that JANICE came down to help. Think she's really way better than us in communicating with customers. Mango and I was quite shy to approach or have any long conversations..
Initially sales was bad but slowly crowds came in..=) It's quite fun la. Offering namecards, camwhoring.. chatting.. shop around.. When it comes to closing, it's really kind of tiring.. Espcially carring those chairs, bags and clothes stands. Don't think we can survive through without EDDIE'S & and HIs dad help. Eddie was really sweet!^^ Bryant, thanks for walking baack to the nearest bubble tea shop and help us buy bubble tea and snacks.^^ Yeah! Eddie's treat! Oh ya, Jia Min..Thanks for coming down and support Mango! It's really so sweet of u.=)
That's the starting price..and.. NO SALES :(
Messy table of ours =X
Sorry for blur photos.. I have not yet go find out which mode should I use for my cam..=P hee~ Jerniece signing off @1:03 AM
Went Sakura @ YCK, Dad treated all of us :) Including Ah Ma & Ah Gong. Wasn't feeling well that day as I had sore throat and gastric pain, but I still went cause I don't wanna waste this opportunity to eat better food! =p
Eat all u can!! It's BUffet =) From Japanese to Chinese food. Sashimi, steamed food, fried, icecream, drinks..etc. For people who really knows how to eat Japanese food is quite worth it. For me, it's quite a waste cause I only know how to eat unagi, soft shell crab, doufu and chawanmushi... =D Jerniece signing off @12:39 AM
HappY Bithday BiBI!^^ OMG...He's getting older and still single! Hee~
"Err..Mummy come once in awhile.. so let her take photo with me lo! =P"
"Smile" -_-" seems like BIBI also camera shy. LOL.
"Huh"... Talking about me??
It's already been 2 years we adopted BiBi. I still cana remember how he's like when I first saw him. He's weak, scared, skinny, hair messy & tangled.. Poor Bibi, we think that he had been beaten before that's why he's so afraid of quite a lot of stuffs. Poor thing.. We don't know the D.O.B of Bibi, thus we just count from the day we brought him home. =)
I realise BiBI prefer other flavours than blueberry cause I rememberd JW told me he loves pandan cake! (Human edible ones) ^^ But still, he finished it. Next time I'm organnise a party and invite QQ, Butter, Sugar, Ah BOy, ah Girl.. LOL.. then make them party hat! haaa..
Sigh.. Wanted to spend my night blogging. However, I'm stuck with my Gmail Login password. -_-" Used to sign up different accounts as I frequently forget my password and this is happening again!! Argh! I'm so used to login in my account with my lappy as my lap top can remember my password. Only until today, when I asked Mango to help me login and check mail, I then realise that I forggotten my password, AGAIN! =( Had tried hacking by using different silly password I used to set, but still unable. Had spend hours on thinking the old password in order to change new password! Plus my secret qns was what's my first cell phone no.! I think I am stupid enough to choose that when I have a bad memory! Sigh.. I just hope my lap top won't crash at this moment. If not I have no idea how I'm gonna sign in next time. The funny thing is, when setting the password I had already remind myself to use simple passwords. However, I guess I am tempted by the bar which shows how strong is your password, so I changed to a more complex ones which I can't remember now. T_T Mango! Think my turn to have bad incidents liao..Sadx3. Jerniece signing off @4:00 AM
OMG!! I've been sitting in front of my lap top for the whole day! Wonder if my eye sight have gone from bad to worst not. Since I'm being lazy for the whole day, I've told myself tmr gonna study for accounting already. =x I hope I really can!
Randomly took this photo when I look out the window. You know, when those commercials always say have to rest your eyes and look far. Saw any different? It's so hazey outside, no wonder my eyes feels sour and tired these 2 days. =(
Wanted to make something nice for breakfast. Was having cravings of toast bread, cause the one Mango made was really nice. ^^ While I'm happily toasting the bread, I realized that my house have neither white sugar nor kaya ,not even peanut butter! Argh! In the end I had plain bread with some butter. Also made myself Milo shake! I still miss the taste of Milo Jw used to make for me. Very thick and sweet. But I still prefer Vergi's one..Vergi is Jw's maid 6 years back.
It's been a busy week for me. I remembered when Mon I checked with wendy and daniel if OB assignment was due on this coming 7th Aug and the answer was a YES!I felt a sudden panic. I totally have no idea where to start!
8 sources and interviews had ro been done and written in an essay! With my English standard is just difficult to start. Really have to thanks people who guided me and talked to me. Finally I hold it through.It's Friday!!! Did my essay all the way till 7am with the help of 2 packet coffee mix. However, the effect subsided and gastric pain came in around 5am. Can't remember what nonsense i wrote in that essay but I really have to thanks God that at least I've completed it! Fell aslp and was unable to wake up on time for Job Interview..Kind of dissapointed My mind was blank. broke down again as I felt that SIM everything you do must be independent. One step closer to reality. One step closer to adult life. =(
Anyway, thinking back i feel like I'm really kind of a crazy girl. With that stress, I can still go for my driving lessons, which I hope to get my license ASAP, went Mango house for a sleepover to get L3 launch by 9th August for member's special and watched OVERHEARD with Mango.
I like the story line. It makes me realise that even the most innocent ones might get tempt in some situations. Money makes the world goes round.. Remember, if one day you were given a big amount of cash, think ethically before you made any decisions. Decisions that you touch that brings you to even deep debts or dead ends.
Downloaded sim3 and my lappy is tooooooo retard and lag to play! Imagine just by the changing the sex of your sims gonna take 5 or even longer to load! =( Was unable to convert RMVB files too..Haiyo.. Really hate my lappy. hee~ But I enjoyed the time spend on all these totally! It would be much better if I stare blank infront of the computer for hours when I know the out come would be empty. Not to forget to mention that *Mango is really nice! She even provide me vitagen the moment I'm awake and me me toast bread! It's like what I always hope for early in the morning. (*.*)
Tried bangs.. But I feel weird with it. Look even rounder (-.-")
I love to cuddle QQ and bully her! She's small in size and "Mao Mao"!
She still loves me though I bullied her..She's smiling I guess..=p
Poor QQ, had ticks bite again. Have to put on her e-collar to stop her from scratching. The worst is she loves licking the medicated cream! -_-" stupid QQ.
I didn't turn up for my first day of training for the job skate facilitator as I was not feeling well. The next min my mind is telling me it's a nice Friday and I should just rest at home and relax, and do some serious studying. But the fact is I slacked the whole day and I actually enjoyed it. Haha.. Even Mango say I'm naughty again. Kept skipping lessons.. This reminds me of how I used to nag JW of wasting parents money. Felt guilty. But I hate people to nag at me.. I will change and buck up for sure and I need time.
Woke up and feeling excited cause Ting gonna accompany me go down pasar malam to get lunch . QQ came along with us and in awhile sis friend, Tk joined us too. I looked so funny with this fridge I know. Shouldn't had trimmed it myself but sis said it's nice.-_-" Anywway here's the mini photo collection I did for QQ. Initially she's behaving madly as usual but after a short walk and running, we put her back into the back and she's amazingly a good girl! And I loved it, so cute that I kept taking picture of her. =)
Hiee^^ I'm QQ.
In Mummy's Tote bag..I love Shopping too!
Say Cheese*
The quiet afternoon...
Tk's carrying me..I better be a good girl and not bark. =X
Went for my facial today and was quite upset that this time massage was not up to my standard. The worst is she kept saying I need to lazer what oil seeds cause I consumed too much meat? But seriously I don't care much now cause I'm damn broke. No matter how nice she physcho me also no use. Lol.
Meet up with Samantha after facial and accompanied her to shop around, she accompanied me to watsons to buy hair treatment too. My hair ends are so cui! She came to my house and it's her first time visiting QQ. We surf net and watched drama. Saw some nice clothes online but only can see see. =( She didn't stay over so I was alone at home till now.. Midnight. Felt guilty cause I switched on alot of lights as I'm afriad of dark. Even TV is on to make some noise! LOL. Chose not to go clubbing as a felt that I need some time alone. It's my first time alone without JW beside me when MUM n DAD not around. Have to admit that I missed him and his stupid laziness..Hee was really hoping he could accompany me. However I didn't pester him cause I know everything might repeat. Sigh.. A few friends of mine broke up recently too. It's so sad to hear that..
THANKS Brave QQ for her accompany..She's so nice to hug! But she will just kick me away! -_-" Assignments gonna due soon and class test are coming. I'm starting to panic, especially when Wendy told me assignment due next Fri! It's 18th Aug lo!! Was so freak out when I realized so many solid research have to be done with 8 diff sources! Argh. I SERIOUSLY NEED TO BUCK UP LA! I'm feeling stressed up now. Jerniece signing off @3:15 AM
Me. Thiang Jie Si Jerniece
[Jernny]: Called by BF only.
Birthdate. 3rd May 1988
L.o.v.e.s ♥
Royce chocolate is my addiction. ■ candies can make me happi.■ Dance when i'm high.■ Music take my stress away. ■ Volleyball & blading are my fav ball sports!■ Mahjong is my fav time-consuming activity!
Addicted to KOREAN BAND BIG BANG! esp. TOP ■
adore JAY's Chou Talent!■
LIKE JAM Hsiao's VOCAL >.<