I'm falling into my fantasy world again..
Monday, May 25, 2009
Well, since I don't have time to do the photos taken at China and Birthday celebration and Graduation, I've decided to blog about the dramas or movies I've seen lately.

Had completed Boys over Flowers. I have to confess that I jumped and skipped a few episodes as it's going a little slow sometimes and I can't wait to watch the ending. Initially, I'm not really into this Korean version of Meteor Garden.. However, I can't take my eyes away from the actors inside! Lol~ They look so perfect! Wonders if it's natural..=X
The starting part of the drama was quite boring to me cause it's almost similar to the Taiwan version, but while coming to further episodes, the story changes a lil and these changes made me watched.
Ahhh~ I wonder why reality is so different??-_-"
I heart Gossip Girl! Chuck is so sweet! Though he seems to be a bad guy, but he' really sweet and loving! I wonder if there's next episode.
I heard that the ending of prison break is out, but I have no idea where I can watch it online.. hmm..
Lately had been soooooO busy! Working at Estee, selling nail polish for Mary and preparing our blogshop with Mango, driving..I didn't get to really rest at all. The weird thing is, where did all my pay went to? I think I spend money money too fast, or just the next min I've gotten my pay! I wonder how am I gonna save up plus next coming month I'm going Vietnam & Taiwan for wedding dinner.
Kat Kat & Sam Sam, if free must sent me graduation photos kkz? >< Initially wanted to join Tourism together with Janice, then I changed my decision. It would be too expensive for Dad to pay so much money for my studies.I'll feel guilty, plus he had been sponsoring me driving fees too.. Sigh..Let me have extra savings GOD! sometimes I wonder why he don't give me huge signals to guide me so that I know what should I do and if my decisions are correct.
ERRM, I don't know what I had blogged about..My mind is half asleep. Nitex~

Jerniece signing off @2:26 AM
Late Uploads..
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Have been really busy with setting up our blog shop, work and of course my dramas. LOl, my China Trip post still not completed yet. I have more to go including the trip to Genting with Jam, Mango & Eddie, My graduation..and my Birthday..
Oh, and sharing the thoughts of the dramas and series I've been completing and watching lately..
Thanks Arh S, lol... made me paiseh..Typo ma, but I'm happy cause u actually read what I wrote despite my broken English. =)
Anyway..A brief upload on these.. After we had booked our bus tickets and hotels to Genting, we had subway for dinner art clark quay. It was Eddie's and Mango first attempt to have Subway if I never remember wrongly... =p
We sat along the river of clark quay, as well as cam whoring a lil. ^^
Decieded to go bowling @ Kovan.While waiting for our turn, we went arcade and played some games! One of the machine, photo hunt, was quite lousy. The screen is so dim and get even worst when our time is running out in finding the difference. We have to keep hitting the screen to brighten it! Anyway, we lost a few rounds later as the light really made our eyes strained!

The shoes we had to wear.. I think I look like an ugly duckling when I'm in this shoe!

Yeah! I tink I am the lousiest among all! lol.. But I don't care.. as long as I had fun! >.<

I'm trying out my new Brown alluring contactlenses. Turn out that the right eye of the contact was faulty and I had to sent it back to the outlet..

This is Grey colour contacts! I enjoy wearing colour contact lenses, however I am having a hard time having perfect sights. Everything I see is slightly blurish.. But I like it still! =p

Jerniece signing off @2:28 AM
Monday, May 11, 2009
Recently watched this MV of BY2 and I like their hair style. I like looking like Barbie doll.=) So, coincidentally, Mango and I had this intention of having a hair cut.. However, after did some research..I found this web page. This blogger blogs about Korean celebrity updates and news. She also blogs about some latest popular Korea Dramas. ^^
http://kdramaqueen.blogspot.com/After browsing, I finally understands why Sylvia, my colleague said she wanna have a plastic surgery. Almost all Korean celebrities look stunning, gorgeous, elegant, cool, handsome, and attractive! Sigh..They all seems to have nice complexion too! I'm so contradicting! I am unable to decide to keep my semi-unnatural fake hair length or trim it like by2 new hairstyle cause it can blend in better with my original hair length.
Thinking twice, I can't stop my hands and I had my hair trimmed! =/
-----------------and the outcome was super weird..Fridge was fine, but the bottom of my hair was so uneven...Sigh..and I got nagged by JW..=p
Mango, 加油了! Hope you won't got nag by Eddie.

Jerniece signing off @2:19 AM
Updating ..
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Went to get graduation attire. JW accompanied me..I really hope this patch up would really be different, because it's really been a long time I never felt loved. Sigh.. Played around with my colour contact lens. First time playing with it. However, colour contact lenses does not come with astig, therefore my vision is not as sharp. =(
爱美就是这样的.. =p

One of my favourite, Sakae tapanyaki! Since I recieved a $20 voc, I had this for lunch! Love the food!! Yummy!

I wanna do some sports so I agreed to join JW friends for basketball! Haaa.. It's really been a long time I played basketball. It was fun and exciting when girls Vs guys team! This girl, chris is really good man! She's shorter yet played better. She learned basketball from neighbourhood basketball courts. Isn't it cool for a female to play basketball? Adriene came too! Another power shooter! I think I better brush up my shooting skills before I go for another match. =D

JW found this in one of his friend's car. Cute right? Big paw paw..
Went K Box with Mango! It's been really a very long time I went out in the morning go activities! Met Mango around 11am at cine to sing K lunch.. Had loads of fun as both of us have not been singing for a very long time already.

Our Lunch.. Err, smell great but don't really seems appealing to me.. It was still ok but Mango said the rice was too oily,which is quite true.

Ambiance was cosy and great! We were facing plenty of opened Chivas and Martel! =p

Half way through...How can we forget to cam whore a little?

She always so gentle and sweet.. I should learn to be more lady like as Mango!

The toilet is really wide spaced and clean..How can we resist not taking pictures here? =X
Haa~ went shopping at far east.I have to say we had an unhealthy lunch. Had shilin Mee shua and fried mars balls,Mango had crispy chicken. Both of us is like sooo heaty! we even drank bubble tea after that. Sugars+Fried=Unhealty!
Hee~ Mango and I had low budget left so we agreed that we can only go in to shops that sell heels or swim wear because Mango is looking for a 2 inch heels and me,^^ looking for a swim wear that can go swimming.
Shopping is so tiring! I can't say I love shopping cause I think I hate it sometimes.. At the end of the day I bought this Yellow Monokini with push up paddings!! lol.. But then, when I reach home I felt that it's a lil too sexy and loud for me to wear to swim..=X Sigh..

Both of us love pepper lunch!! We were so blessed! The Unagi set is back!!! Unagi rice set+drink+miso soup+ice creamonly 9.90!!

Wheee~Money flies very fast.. Just in a few hours..
Before I have the time to update on my birthday celebration, I want to thank all who had wished me Happy Birthday, thank those who sis and JW invited for the
suprise celebration, family who came and Special thanks to TING, JAM & Andre who planned the chalet for me. Thanks for the gifts too! Love it!!! shall share with your next entry..
Love U TING!!
Really sorry didn't really spend quality time with all cause busy running here n there..=x which I was totally blur that night.

Jerniece signing off @10:12 PM