Outing with Mango
Monday, April 27, 2009
Whee~ Err, got my hair extension at Far East. I trim a little myself to look more natural..
Went out with Mango..She got me an early Birthday present!

Really love this bracelet because of the pendants..

Hmm, however we didn't really get to shop at all because when we reached Bugis, Mango recieved call from Mary saying there's a shortage of $150! poor Mango.. =(

Jerniece signing off @2:51 AM
Back from Holiday Trip to China [Day 3]
Friday, April 24, 2009
Now, we are no longer at shanghai but Suzhou, and we went..Lotus Garden.
Most of us were so fascinated by those flowers and scenery that no one actually listen to our tour guide! lol~

It's not cherry blossom but quite similar. This is Ying-Tao hua..

Chloe(Dressed in purple jacket)~ She's Singaporean who is staying at shanghai studying in international school. I love her accent! She's really active, bubbly and pretty! These are some of the photos taken inside the Garden. If I never remember wrongly, the tour guidge told us this Garden used to own by a rich person many years ago.. Which then donate to government for leaving memories..Err, sorry ah.. These is all I can remember..=X was busy taking photos.
Anyway, see how smart China people were. They used stone at the bottom of the pillar to prevent the wood from rotting if there's flood or any contact with water. Besides that, long ago..They already knew that walking on this pointed pebbles can stimulate good blood circulation!

Little kid with orange jacket, name Aden. Chole's brother! He's supper Kawaii!!

Next visit, Hanshan Temple.

haa..previously in the restaurant there's magic show.. This time is live oriental performance and singing.. Each song cost...eh, can't remember. But I remembered my dad did pick a song for them to play which last less than 2 mins I think -_-

We also went to see this HUGE Buddha statue. The little china boy is so cute la. He knows how to twist for us! I think Liang Zhi would love to squeeze his face ba!

I love the view from the TOp! It's magnificent! I also touch the Buddha leg cause I always like to 灵时抱佛脚... meaning, I like to do last min study. =p

They have this performance which I find it really boring..=x

My sis and I took a lot of photos here because of the half cherry blossom tree! Love it!

Our Singapore Team/ TOur leader, Jimmy. Thanks Mango for lending me this cap! Really cosy and it's really good for that day cause I woke up late and didn't manage to fix my hair! =p

Bought my favourit fruit there.. See the big contrast? It cam together in a box. Mary, Val would this kitty cheese cake!

Okay..Shall end this with one of my favourite shot. Autumn leaves! Loves~

Jerniece signing off @2:40 AM
Parties Again!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
It's true that I never had the thought of going party and drinking yet.. Buttt.. Was tempted! BAa.
In the end, ta da..I'm with my sexy little again! summer & shuan^^ Went hui house to dress up first and put my stuffs cause staying over at her place..

Played with her nerdy specs...=P

Initially summer told me that we going butter factory. Alyssa was there too so was really excited. I love going party places cause I get to see different people dressed up pretty :D
However, don't know what's the reason we ended up at Zouk. This is my first time getting three different stamps! lol.

Went to Tpde concert with Andre & Ting before my holidat trip. I love it.. TOoo bad I didn't join this year.. Really missed those intensive training when ryan would ask us to stretch like hell. *Ouch!
Took photos with XiangYing, Yuxin & caryn. Yuxin really looked photoginic! Pretty!~

Err, after that I went Zouk..Again -_-"..Hee~ Feeling a little guilty for clubbing a lil more during this holiday.=X

Met Charlene there~ I must say she's a cutiee and a nice girl!!

Jerniece signing off @6:53 PM
Back from Holiday Trip to China [Day 2]
Monday, April 20, 2009
Morning call 6.30am! Guess most people would doubt my sis and I. Anyway both of us manage to wake up ok!! There's no time for us to stone when we woke up.. Stuffed all stuffs in our luggage, washed face, brush teeth, changed clothes, make up and off we go, checked out.. As usually, Daddy and Mum would go down for breakfast earlier than us. Thank God we manage to have some time for breakfast..

The streets.. The Macdonald is just a distance away from our hotel..Was wondering why most of them where in suits but then, they usually just stand there and chatting most of time..Had some photos taken while I'm in the bus..Feeling excited! ^^

Our first destination was 城隍庙. The building structure is just amazing and nice. I really love their History where their clothes and buildings are so artistic and every crafting have it's meaning of royalty and beauty. The weather was good. Cold but with warmth, my favourite! ^^

See those Ang Mo's? They were here for holiday too~ Ha, besides seeing lovely lace @ Genting, this is my first time seeing it at other country.. I wished to have a plain, cute, classy soft bear!

Bottom right shows the cinema in the oldies. We cn also pay and watch movie there too ~
The next destination was 同仁堂, a Chinese pharmaceutical company founded in 1669, which is now the largest producer of Traditional Medicine.

We got the chance to soak our feet into the herbal water for FREE! Whee~ It was boiling hot! It's so warm that we had to start with our heels first before we are able to soak the whole feet.. Of course, while all of our feets where soaked, it's time for them to earn sales buy telling us what we need for health and good for us. -.- Anyway, It's really relaxing when someone is massaging your feet. If I have more savings I'll sure go for a spa or massaging session..

This is interesting..While we had our lunch in the restaurant..This old man is performing magic for us! A magic show in a restaurant? Haa..His trick was funny and interesting.. However to learn 1 trick gonna be charged! lol..

After lunch, we went to 南京玉器(Jade)..We had some lectures on the Chinese history on historical people and their use of jade and slowly talking about Feng Shui.. I was told that my Name is not bad however this year might not be a good year for me..Sigh.. The sales person recommended me this Chinese weird animal which I can't remember what's the name of it in reddish Jade. She said, it's good for me to have red stuffs with me for this yr.. HMmm... I only believe Feng Shui to a certain extend.. Ofcourse God created natural stuffs and evironment scienctifcally, that's why it's good..

Here's 西塘水乡(Xi Tang Watertown). You can see beautiful old houses along the river.. With beautiful sceneries. Just looking at at feel peaceful..especially when the sun is setting and it's spring!

After a long day..Finally it's a New Hote =)

Jerniece signing off @1:43 AM
Sunday, April 19, 2009
It's been a busy week.. Everyday I had my time spend nicely! =)
It's my first day working with Mary..It's fun playing with the nail polish/art.. However there's no air con. I like it though cause I get to sweat and loose weight! hee~
Thurs went swimming with Adelene..and guess what, I swam like 3 laps and I can't take it anymore..My muscles were cramping already! Is either I'm old already or laziness had been too long! haaa~ Anyway I feel satisfied swim 3 full laps, cause it's really not easy swimming with in Bikini and without goggles.

Here's an update before going to China. Heee~Went movie with JW, Ah Sam and Adriene..Sry ah girl, take so long to update photos for u to see =p. I bought small gift for u too~^^ but really small gifts la..hope u dnt mind..^^

Jerniece signing off @11:24 PM
Back from Holiday Trip to China [Day 1]
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Finally blogging again..
After those parties and drinking, I am so happy that finally I'm traveling to other country again! This year holiday trip DAD brought us to China(Shanghai/Nanjing/Hangzhou/Suzhou/Wuxi)
I wanna thank GOD for these blessings and Dad for paying the traveling cost. We all set off on Sunday evening..

二舅 and family came to send us to the airport. JW came to sent us too as Jeremy & Aaron came too. Thanks Jam =)
Both J & A were so cute! They brought their favourite tortoise along too! Lol~
Before we set off, Ting & I took some photos.

Yeppiee, we reached China around evening. While waiting for other group members, Ting & I would always walk around trying to find cute stuffs from the 便利商店. Like cute bottles or snacks that can't be found in Singapore.
All gathered up, our first destination was..Hotel! Haa~ Ting & I love the hotel because... there's internet and computers at the lobby^^
Of course Ting is damn happy larh! Hor Ting? Haaaa

So, this is our first Hotel room! It's really cool, modernized and cozy! Not forgetting to make us of the mirrors!Hee~ I love the painting on the wall..I feel relax just staring at it.
Okay, I'm tired.. Had been a working for the whole day but getting the pay makes me H A P P Y! Anyway, this is our group photo. It's badly taken and the photo quality sucks. However, Daddy is nice enough to purchase the group photo.
Signing Off~ Nights -_-zZ
Definitely would update soon~

Jerniece signing off @1:15 PM