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The Bloggers.
Sentosa with QQ and friends! ^^
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Thanks to Mango hard work of planning this trip to Sentosa with doggies! Adelene and me had been physco-ing JW and Amos to go with us! Really hard to physco lo! Finally JW agreed cux my Dad promise to lend us car. Reason from Jw, was got car more convinient ma! haa~
okiess. Wanted to give BIBI a chance to go beach one, however without a bag for BIBI, no cabs wants to stop for JW. Poor BIBI..Had to go home.. So, QQ was the blessed one to go with us. Total there's Mango, Eddie, Sam, Adriene, Zhiming, Adelene, Amos, Jw, Me and another of their 2 friends.
The sun was good. It shines strongly and the heat made me feel warm and cozy..But the weird thing is I'm not burnt! Sigh, the last time I joined Fang and his friends also didn't get any TAN..Sighs..
Had loads of fun and exercise! wHEE~Getting to keep fit and lose weight! But seriously, by the end of the day I'm really tired. Had been party the night before and then didn't sleep well and before I can sit down and let my mind process I am handling the SUPER HYPER ACTIVE QQ! I'm really happy for the moment because I'm currently too busy to think much. ~ Jerniece signing off @2:09 AM
Went dating with Mango and Adelene! Haa~ After accompany Ting to Mustafa, met Mango and head to Far East for Dinner! I'm going on budget. During the short window shopping, I'm so tempted to buy stuffs! There's alot more I want lo..Trim hair..Dye Hair..Sigh. I don't know where and how I spend it..=x That's so not me! Anyway, since I'm aware that I'm running dry, I have to save up some for CHINA trip!
Went Glaire for ice-cream waffle! The ice-cream doesn't look appealing at first but turn out nice!! I really enjoy going to good and new places eating something I like!! ^^ Carried my laptop everywhere I go to tap internet, so tiring cause it's heavy and bulky. After ice-cream, we went over to Mac-cafe to use internet and cam whore! Took picture and pictures! I feel bad for not buying any drinks cux it's ex for me at the moment. =/ Sorry arh-Mango & adelene. I promise to phycho JW and ask AMOS to go beach this sat okie? =p Mango introduce me Photoscape and I totally enjoying it. Photo editing, lights, stickers, collages..
Went off @ 11.30 trying not to miss the last train..I've been home after 12 lately and I can't wake up before 12pm.. That's very bad and I'm gonna work on that! >.< Jerniece signing off @1:46 PM
I'm starring at my com and thinking hard what have I been doing this week.. Err, I can't recall..Maybe my mind is really tired that's why..Orr getting OLDER?? =| Maybe this is called selective memories. Haa..
Been to Lasalle recently and I really like the design of the building! Andre said it's the idea of a volcano. I walked around taking some pictures..
I like the mickey one. I wonder how they draw the faces.. The 3D one on the top right can really make me go giddy lo! haa..
Initially I felt quite insercure because it seems that there's no privacy..But wait till I went to the classroom..It's messy but I felt relax and I like the messiness! haa.. The wide space for me to skate here and there..Oh, and it's my first time trying the skateboard!!! =p I fell, ofcourse when trying to act as if I can go over the wires, but it's really fun balancing on it.
Not forgetting to tell you how blessed I am to see rainbows!! Nice right. Maybe God's showing something that he gonna promise? ... Jerniece signing off @12:05 AM
Driving lesson was good today,thought half way through I do feel sleepy..I manage to clear 2 lessons and that motivates me to jia you!
My first thought when I reach home was sleep. In the end I was chatting with sis.. and she end the conversation by asking me to bathe QQ. -_- I'm so lousy at that but I did it anyway..=)
Lap top can't get into the wireless connection..which means no lap top to use...Met cell mates for dinner as part of cynthia's bday gathering. I was late cause wanna fix my lap top. sigh..I'm sorry cyn and hope she had fun.
Met Andre and headed to sis's working irish pub. Muddy's murphy. It's st.patrick day, and it's really quite packed. Most of the people are dancing happily. I oredered chivas coke! I like it..Cause it taste a little like hagen danz Rum & Raisins. HAaa.. We went there to support SIS cause it would be a tiring day for her, and true enough she looked tired..=( Jerniece signing off @3:07 AM
Keith introduced this song.. Nice & Simple =) Kept looping. Went Jogging and I've improved. I jogged 2 rounds WITHOUT stopping..Hee~ so happy, that means I'm still considered fit. ^^ Relationship with Mum not very good..Sigh.. She kept assuming stuffs and thinks she's right. Thank God Daddy understands. Jerniece signing off @11:44 PM
I'm upset I didn't join concert this year because of some stress stuffs going on, but I'm not gonna miss this! It had been fun having intensive trainings! 2009 GEMS 4 CINDERELLA 3rd & 4th APRIL 09 $15 ticket Anyone interested please just let me know asap okay :) It's mixture of HIP HOP and MODERN dance. Trust me, it's really worth watching if u love dancing.
Happy 21st Birthday Shannon/Trac! It seems like everyone is gonna celebrate their birthday grandly.. Hmm... Anyway, saw Mango's friend at his Trac chalet, Angelene..She's a pretty cute girl. Was really happy to see someone I know there. She joined me playing cards..Hee~ Yes, Cards again. However I'm not gambler ok. I only play the max $1. But it seems I can't win playing playing black jack. I learned a new game, called "si gi bi" i think..Quite fun, cause you need to use your mind to think and count and then come out with the best pair to win. It was after the card game everyone seems to get drunk. I was almost well controlled so I'm happpy I did not end up puking. =)
Manage to take pic with angelene when all of them are downstairs..
Shannon's cake was actually a little messed up lo. His friend manage to put the strawberry back to its place.=p Angelene and I was aiming the strawberries la, but before we can eat the cake was being thrown around. haaa~ Quite an enjoyable nite~ Jerniece signing off @3:24 PM
Mango invited me to her 21st birthday celebration! ^^ QQ was invited too~ It was raining heavily in the morning but the sun manage to come out at least awhile.. GOD is gracious to MANGO..Cause butter get to enjoy swimming..Hee~
Reached Sentosa around 2pm noon and it's drizzling a little.. Mango and her friend and butter had went back to hotel.. I decided to let QQ swim a little before we all hide in the hotel room..She love swimming and playing.. Eddie kept bully Anyway, it's a disaster to bring QQ out! She's super hyper active! When we're in the hotel she kept sniffing butter.. Following her wherever she goes..HAaa.. QQ also very busy body..Kept running here and there, up and down the bed trying to disturb everyone..=p
Here are some photos taken while I bathe QQ~ Mango helped out cause I'm not really good at bathing dogs..=p
The hotel room was cosy. Mango is really blessed to have her bf planning this celebration.. =) We had fun!^^ but I think I spend most of the time playing cards.. Oops.. Gonna be so addicted to play cards. I learned new way of playing cards..called dnt knw what 13 cards I think.. It's fun because I get to use my mind to calculate the numbers to win all the competitors.. =p
Tired~I would like to bring QQ to the beach again.. Haa, recently had been to Sentosa a few times..But there's no sun de..haa~ Jerniece signing off @8:53 PM
It's been awhile that I get to sleep so long.. initially I planned to do a lot of stuffs like keeping the X'mas tree in my room! It's been 2 month plus and the tree is still in my room! Argh.. Wanted to study my piano stuffs too...but haaa.. as usual watched drama till evening..=p
Had dinner at grandma's house. DIDI and KOR KOR are just mischievous la..kept running around the house and they are sweating as though they got drenched! EEks, DIDI still lean on me while I'm playing PSP!.. Took photos of them, DIDI very funny..He wants to take more picture but KOR KOR don't wnat. I think it's so fun being young and innocent...
I like this. KOR KOR favourite are those tortoise! HAAA.. Think they colour the paper blue and connected it to use it as sea is very interesting..
Took this pic when I went CU bar with my colleauge .. Think I look matured in my uniform! haaa~ I wonder is my blusher that is red or is the beer..=p Jerniece signing off @11:17 PM
Very Bad Sales. Very EMO today. Someone left me waiting again. Everything ends today...
This time I choose to stay strong and go forward. The past and been a strong impact on me and I know it would be always in my heart. What's the future? I'll just try to have faith in GOD to give me the answers.. Some might think I'm happy but the truth is I messed up. But I'm gonna try.. The thought was giving up was there.. But constantly I told myself to try...
It's easy to say but hard to maintain what have been said. I'm totally lost and don't know what I can do..Meanwhile, where there's so many things in my mind, I still have to think what course I plan to take in SIM.. I really wonder if tourism is a good choice..=x
Okay, gtg sleep le... I'm happy that I'm getting to sleep early ):p Jerniece signing off @1:58 AM
FINALLY! I'm back to church. Errr.. But not exactly, because I missed the worshiping part. Woke up already but was really reluctant to move...But then at this moment of my life I really need GOD, so I seek him though I was already quite late.=p
Somehow, today's speaker topic was also facing crisis/trouble in life. So I tried listening..But I yawned quite a few times =/, but it's good that I prayed. I really hope there's an answer from father.. While they had altar call, I enjoyed the worshiped. How I wish I was not late. However, I'm surprised that I manage to wake up.=)
Went out with Hui Yun and Jing Fang.. Enjoyed myself! Initially was meeting JW, but he's rushing for proj report so no choice lo.. Y & F & me to Compass Pt and PS. Manage to buy some stuffs and we really chat alot! HEeee... now I even know who they had crush on before.heee...
I even tried something funny today. I guess it's because of the good weather and the thought of wanna some peace and save money. I walked home from MRT!!! It's a 15 mins walk i guess..I walked with my heels! and now my foot hurts =( Guess I'm stupid to make that decision..But I'm happy that I saved my bus fare! =) It's been a relaxing day for me as I have not been enjoying the cosiness of SUNDAY. GOD's Day.. Make me feel like quitting my JOb and make my SUNDAY off! =/ Jerniece signing off @10:09 PM
Me. Thiang Jie Si Jerniece
[Jernny]: Called by BF only.
Birthdate. 3rd May 1988
L.o.v.e.s ♥
Royce chocolate is my addiction. ■ candies can make me happi.■ Dance when i'm high.■ Music take my stress away. ■ Volleyball & blading are my fav ball sports!■ Mahjong is my fav time-consuming activity!
Addicted to KOREAN BAND BIG BANG! esp. TOP ■
adore JAY's Chou Talent!■
LIKE JAM Hsiao's VOCAL >.<