It's all messed up..
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Haa.. Before I start I wanna complain about my nails..It's broken! and it's painful.. I had to use plaster and wrap it and the plaster got this sticky thing that keep dirty my HP screen! =(

Besides my RS stuffs.. everything seems normal..Learning driving and slacking around. Had been thinking should I take up the tourism course from SIM or just take up business or marketing..Sigh..
RS had been messy since don't know when..usually it's only good for awhile..until the rainy days has cleared then I'll blog about RS..
I feel that I had been keeping myself busy not think abt RS.. I want to continue study..I want to be stronger.. Most importantly I want myself be closer to GOD and be happy.. Family RS had been quite bad and it affects my mood. I don't even feel like bother about this family RS anymore..
Had been doing meet up with hui and huiling jie for this week..I feel happy to meet them..and talk about life and problems..from a girl who just like to keep things to myself until I tried sharing, I felt happy and being loved. =) hmm..but ofcourse there's more deep down that it's very hard to share..
Last night, I just felt so upset then I look a the Kid's Bible beside my Bed. I always complain that it's so hard to read and understand bible when it's not related to real life.. Until last nite, when I flipped open the Bible and it's the chapter referring to JOB.

God blessed JOB in everything and then took away everything because God wants to prove to Satan that JOB really loves God. When bad things happened, JOB didn't blame God but still even worshipped him.. I was thinking..JOB situation is much more sad and hurting than mine..then I think GOD is trying to hint me that I should go back to him..Had not been going church and get closer to GOD for around 1 year..Though Cynthia once told me don't give up praying.. I tried, but was too hurt. I just know how to blame GOD for the unhappiness, but forgotten about the blessings..
Have you ever felt so sad that you couldn't even talk about it? ..At times like this, we need help..
I realised that whenever I'm really sad, as long as there's someone there to listen or just see me cry I also feel much better.. Even if it's QQ! but most of the time I cry infront of her she pushed me! -__-
JOB's friend came to comfort him, when they saw JOB they couldn't even recognize him.. They just sat down on the ground with JOB for 7 days and nights..and no one said a word to him. That's beacause they saw how much he was suffering..
The book explaination helped me to understand this...It's hard to understand why bad things happen. I may want to cry or may be hurt, but I need GOD's love too.. He wants us to trust him , even when things go wrongs.. I'm not sure how long I can be close to GOD but I really hope I could.

Jerniece signing off @6:21 PM
1st week of my holiday...
Friday, February 20, 2009
Been starting learning driving.. But I think I'm not gonna be a good driver.=( After the few lessons I'm so mixed up with my clutches 1 2 3.. and I got giddy after 4 hours of driving..Haaa.. I thought it should be easy.. haaa.. But by the 5th lesson, I get to drive smoother. Thanks to my private coach JW! haa..
Recently dnt really feel like blogging..sigh..

Jerniece signing off @1:43 PM
Stupid brain = careless!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
CCOm interviewSQM presentationSQM (Quiz 2)20th fashion storyboard20th fashion sketchbook 1 & 2sociology presentationsociology common testsociology SDLTechno reportTechno presentationCRM presentation
Wheeee! Finally it's all cleared. Now I can non stop dram-ing! What should I do next? SIM or work? work as what?..
Today is such a bad day for me! Was rushing my 20th fashion assignment and I stayed up to 5am in the morning! was so tired. I took a cab down in the end and after running into few printing shops then I realize i forgotten to bring my thumb drive! Argh, waste my time and money!
Tmr I have to go for my sociology tutorial even though our group had presented. So sad =<

Jerniece signing off @8:11 PM
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
CCOm interview

Jerniece signing off @3:01 AM
Happy Mooo Year
Sunday, February 1, 2009

How I wish they can remain like this and stop the quarrels!
Kind of disappointed this New Year and unhappy incidents kept coming. It all begin all from new year eve. Was expecting for the fireworks and the firecrackers when the clock strike twelve. In the end all we can see was haze covering the whole car park and it was drizzling. SO, Sammy,Kat & Mary...No Fireworks video le..
Last year I recorded thrice. It was amazing. The fireworks is like just a few distance above our heads and is so pretty, but after 10 mins we were so frightened as it became hazy and your only can hear "bomb..bomb..." and it sound like a bomb dropping down! sSigh..but still
As usual, Genting trip is a shopping, movie marathon and relaxing time for my sis and me. Wanted to go AH YI bao yu for mini reunion dinner de, however it is fully booked! So we went another restaurant instead. Watched 2 movie only this time =(

I prefer this than DA XI SH (Fann Wong). The storyline is better and much funnier though the actors have to act very exaggeratedly. It's very happy and entertaining. I'll rate 3.5/5.

I like watching them acting together especially the condor heroes. However not this film. It's more like a movie to spice up their wedding and nothing special as it is so obvious that in the end they would be together. Some of the scenes are nice and their acting is good, but it is not a movie that I would spent money to watch in cinema. But since is a Happy show for new year we watched it in RM!! Hee..Much cheaper! I'll rate 2.5/5. =)

3 of us went shopping while DAD and AH MA went to CASINO!

Introducing Sleepy dale. Look at him and I will feel sleepy. It had been my habit to bring a soft toy along when I'm going overseas.. It feels cosy when there's something for me to hug! =D

On the journey home, not forgetting taking photos! ^^ cam whoring! Showing my fake nails! Looking so natural right!

It's Chu Er, and every CHu Er hui's aunty would have steamboat. JW and I went over. The steam boat was delicious cause they have BBQ also instead of just the steamboat. Few years back a group of our click would meet up and gather...However ..HMM..
Shall blog on the interview Ccom soon! Feeling so tired with the projects~

Jerniece signing off @11:50 PM