Family Re union Dinner
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Firstly, I wanna Thank GOD for everything. I prayed that Sis would be suffering from any pain and we would go to Genting. My first thought was, how could it happen? How can pain or sickness just go away so fast. Now I know he can make anything happen..There are more that I prayed for.. But as like Cynthia said to me before..Don't give up praying.. Her way how GOD touch her is the most touching that I've heard.
So, tmr I of to Genting. Poor's birthday tomorrow and he is sick! High fever.. Sigh.. Since I'm leaving tomorrow I can't celebrate for him. Hope his friend and family won't forget about him..
Had my reunion dinner and it seems that I get to enjoy more when I'm young. Usually i'll get very excited, but guess as we grow, we have to think about a lot of stuffs..That's so sad.

My two little naughty cousin~

Daddy wants to pose. So I'm kind enough tot take one for him.=p

Did a mini collection of QQ. She's a v.hyper active girl! Look at her face u know how mischievous she is! Haa.. I placed her on the dining table hoping she can calm down..

I have no idea why she likes to snatch my sleeping area..-_-zZ
TOoo cosy I guess..Hee Sis even got her a hair.

Jerniece signing off @4:05 AM
what A GREAT year..
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Well, Sad news..Sis just got back from hospital and the doc said he/she suspect is appendix.. Yesterday the clinic doctor said is some infection. Previous day another doc thinks it's normal? Then tmr sis gonna do check up again? Sigh...Money being spend like this...Now that at least 2 ppl cannot go Genting, it's just a waste.
No fireworks, no cheap movies and pop corns, no shopping, no baskin robbins etc. I chose to stay and let mum go cause I know sis would prefer me to stay plus without her going the trip also quite meaningless..Rather let mum n dad together though I know quarrels would happen cause mum mood is very bad now. think she is pissed and frustrated and I don't know how to deal with it anymore.
Now..I just pray that my sis would be fine, mum n dad peace and no QUARRELS!, have more savings cause of the bad economy and graduate this March! Who knows last min we all can go Genting?....haiz..

Jerniece signing off @3:02 AM
So Hooked
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Pain! My muscles are aching after the Badminton session yesterday with my cousin friend, Eddie and his friends. I don't even have the energy to hold my cup with my right hand. But I'm happy cause at least I finally exercised!
Sis is sick, and I'm so worried. So I planned to get LOA so I can take care of her. Her fever is going up and down around 38 ~ 39.7. Sigh..
Hope she recover soon. I can't imagine my life without her..though we quarrel quite often. And often irritated by her "attitudenes". But "choy!" she will recover! And I hope she can go Genting. It's kind of pathetic and sad spending New Year when mum n sis gonna be in Singapore and DAD and I and grandparents at Genting. It's a festive season where family being together lei...
If not I sure cry I guess..Feeling so weak and dependent! urgh..

I'm feeling so excited and impatient. I'm stuck at Prison Break S4E16. I have to admit this time some of the episodes I skip a little, that is because I'm getting so impatient to know more about the "company"! Did a quick research and it seems like Epi 17 would only be out around end of Feb or the starting March. I wonder watch series I can watch now. Maybe like what JW say, watch 24?

Jerniece signing off @11:39 PM
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Being quite busy for this week..Projects, research, assignments, quizzes..I'm getting worried if I am able to graduate this year. I failed my socio test and I'm starting to panic..Others I struggling to cope with it.Sigh..The only entertainments that adds colour to my life is watching series..I think I'm addicted to series..dramas..or movies.. I just can't stop watching..Currently completed watching,

I like this show. It's simple and funny...I like the part when he says..."Freeeee!" Haaa..

sThis is the series currently I'm watching everyday..It's real addictive, maybe that is because I need to know what is going to happen next and it will affect me!Besides, the story is linked. If you missed out one, it's hard to understand why,when,where and how it happens.Haa..
I even had action dreams while I'm sleeping..which caused me late for school cause I wanted to stay in my dreams..=X
KAT & SAM would nagg me about that..Hee~
But I really have to thanks KAT for giving me morning calls even though it takes more than 3 calls to get me off my bed. Thank God for blessing her and me 3 freeee M1 to M1!

Hmm..This movie didn't turn out as nice as I thought. I think how Alyssa summarized the movie to me sound much interesting. Maybe it cause I watched it online and the quality is not very good. I don't really understand the ending or is it I did not even seen the ending..I'm not very sure too...=(
Oh, and not forgetting Gossip G, it's quite sad to see chuck losing everything in S2EP15..Just started Season 4 and..I'm gonna finish epi 3 and slp!

Jerniece signing off @1:46 AM
Blur Queen
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
I forced myself up as I thought today I'm meeting my socio group mates for discussions. So I went bathing and get everything ready. I even sms the leader I would be late. And she replied, " it's tmr la gal!" haa..I was shocked for a few seconds.. Then I realize the day before I actually read my sms too fast.
Anyway, it's good that I'm awake already.. So I have more time for pet society, assignments and watching series.^^

Just finished watching American Next Top Model Cycle 11 and those pictures they took is really nice! While waiting for the next episode of Gossip Girl, decided to watch Prison Break and I can't stop. Argh.. It kind of affect my mood and makes me angry sometimes..O_o think I'm too emotional!

Jerniece signing off @11:59 PM
Bored Weekends
Monday, January 5, 2009
Weekend was boring.. But I like the time when I get to relax at home and playing com. I'm just a little disappointed I missed church AGAIN and it's like a New Year! Sighs..
Doing assignments made me feel so hardworking ! hee~
Completed some movies over the weekends.

Rented RED Cliff cause Red Cliff 2 is showing soon..I want to know the story of the war strategy used! I like it. Especially when they fight the "ba gua" formation.

Ip Man! I love the fighting scenes. It's so natural. Made me feel like learning Kung Fu! ><

Romantic Comedy. Quite a nice show for me to relax. Interesting too..It's about this girl who had been " wedding sisters" wearing 27 dresses! And waiting for her perfect one. =)

Jerniece signing off @11:31 PM
Happy Birthday Zhi Ming!
Friday, January 2, 2009
It's Friday Night and since I have no plans, JW asked me to join him for ZHI MING's bdae steamboat invitation. Though I feel a bit Pai Seh cause I not very close to them.. Anyway that night turns out quite ok.
We borrowed dad's car and he drove to bugis for steamboat-ing. So coincident, we saw JIE and shawn! Heee~ But not suprise cause I know they are " food hunter " haa..
Then we went to this pub cafe..

Bird Nest Lightings@@

The Guys....The Ladies...

[Janice & Zhi Ming][Mango & Eddie]

The Birthday Boy ....Cake^^ It's delicious!

The girls ordered icey smoothie which don't taste like smoothie but just some syrup and blended ice and I ordered a cocktail, Alpes Root Beer. Sound nice right? But it turn out tasting like "gua zhi" !

Janice went off early and we all can see Zhi Ming sad face..
We all continued with our drinks and played cards! Not forgetting taking pictures while the guys have their smoking break. hee~ We all trying to look like gambling queen but failed. =[

Jerniece signing off @4:41 PM
Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009.

Jerniece signing off @4:28 AM