Monday, December 29, 2008
Woke up feeling tired & throat hurts a lot! =x
Missed CCOM but I went SQM. I feel bad for sam for carrying the red Durian plastic bag for me..I'm Sorry la & thanks.
While Kat waiting for Henry and me waiting for messages, we went library to use com. I randomly wanna play facebook then I told kat about this pet society applications. Both of us went so crazy and kept playing it. We want to buy stuffs but no money..haa...Pet is the same as the owner..haaa.
Really feel so bored. At home, watched TV,Facebook, watched next top model, little nonya..
o_0 haiz..

Jerniece signing off @3:07 AM
Happy Birthday Sis!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Woke up feeling very tired. Went Zouk on Saturday nite! ^^
Ting woke me up and next think I knew was I was taking pictures for my sis. I didn't wanna join in as I'm still in my pajamas! @@
Nice Mango cake - Mum bought it. Durian one taste better but this is still nice.
Happy Birthday Gal.. Hmm..I know you like my gift! =)

I was still daydreaming, then I asked "ting where u going?" Then I remembered she had asked me if I wanna join her to Sentosa a few days back I think. Was too confused/sad/partying and drinking ..
So I thought for 1 min and I rushed in my room and stuff the things I need to bring and changed in to my bikini. Sis wore my new one so I stick to my rainbow one..=/
I feel uncomfortable as I have many breakout recently and I'm going to beach without makeup! OMG.
Anyway I had fun running around with QQ and make her swim is really fun! She's so afraid of water but we still throw her in..Haaa..She really likes running around KPOing what others doing..But I feel quite awkward as I went with my sis,her bf and met some of her bf friends. But we didn't really talk. I was playing with QQ most of the time.

Nice loving Pictures taken by me =D

Jerniece signing off @2:45 AM
x'mas outing.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Really wanna thanks Kat & Sam for their understanding why I'm late..
Met up with these two girls is always happy and cheerful cause they are very cheerful, simple and full of rubbish jokes.
As usual they most happy time is Sam bullying me or kat! haa.. bad girl =p
Well, met up for x'mas exchange among ourselves. It took around more than 3 times to not draw back our own gifts.><

Before leaving, we didn't forget to take some photos ..^^
Joined colleague for a lil drink @ cu bar also before I went home..Thanks for the treat!

Jerniece signing off @2:02 AM
Happy Birthday Sharon!
Monday, December 22, 2008
21-12-08 (Sun)
It's an early celebration for Sharon...Met up with Hui & sherry to Chomp2 after my work. It's really tiring + quarreling..
More photos are taken by Hui & sherry's camera. Sooo.. I grabbed some photos from her blog.

Bday girl..

The cake. Love e strawberries.

We headed to sherry's house for awhile to see cheesy. I really didn't know poodle is a circle dog and she really can jump can stand very straight >.< href="">

Jerniece signing off @4:30 AM
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Have not been updating as my mood for past weeks went down a lot. But the good thing is I tried opening up to more ppl sharing stuffs. OK, let me see my list of things to blog..
Let me start with Hui Ling Jiee's Birthday celebration.
We all went to Shushi Tei..

And took lots of pictures..

Lovely Shawn & Hui Ling Jie ..
The Female Family Photo..

Jerniece signing off @5:00 PM
Working is boring. Finally the day is over!
Had a nice lunch where the whole family get to chit chat for awhile! Haiz.. But still angry and upset..
Today's target $2500. Of course I didn't hit. It really quite impossible for recession.
But my colleague once told me, God is fair, when there's no relationship then there's $$, which make sense cause this is not the first time when my mood is super down there customer surrounding me most of the time. Ha.
Received SiS msg saying QQ was bitten by a dog! So angry and sad! Poor QQ kept barking and tht dog still don't wanna let go! Worst is the owner didn't apologize! Try letting ur Dog bitten by others la! ARGH! Poor QQ just wanna say HI and make friend ok! After work was bad. "mei gu qi!" cause I made a call to EJW! wennt worst. I even stopped at newton to quarrel cux reception was bad. In the end my tears rolled down ..blablabla..alone ..
I can't take it! Wanted to rush to take cabby. But this time I'm quite strong. So proud of myself! I endured all the way home.
HOme Sweet HOme and I just broke down and cried! Sigh... Waste paper! now eye so puffy! I'm go crazy le. I just hope GOD show me miracle that I can complete my work on time. The SQM test, I think I'm gonna give up! =(

Jerniece signing off @2:16 AM
Anger & Sadness!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
It's just so unfair! Y must it be now? I'm struggling with the CDS assignments. What did I do why must I get these? STOP talking to me so fierce and unwillingly! u are irritated so am I! Been doing my stuffs and not bothering U! Y must u call and next moment saying u got things to do when u promised to meet me?! You have problems, then plan & inform! be more organize! Is not that I don't understand but the way you handle things is driving me crazy and hurt! Don't make me happy and next min angry or upset!

Jerniece signing off @10:59 PM
Happy Birthday Ms Tan!
It's been around 3-4 years I know you Ms Tan! Time flies.. But it's cause of U I know GOD, Hui Yun and Jing Fang! Remembered those days, my first tuition with you, I was so angry with my mum for finding a tutor cause I knew I won't talk at all. Think U and Shawn had a hard time finding out my ways of communicating ba..haas.. And most surprisingly, GOD knocked on my door..
I used to hate christians and nv thought of I would believe in Jesus until I see, feel, hear, seek & answered. I can feel secured without worrying which is the Biggest God among those Gods.Haha..
Hope you like the planning plan by Hui Yun. She's the one asking ard if we can make it today when she heard shawn said u wished to celebrate with us. Hmm..and sorry, cux I think I made JW misunderstood. He thought u knew and feel bad he can't make it. The dinner was great and THANKS SHAWN for the treat.
Went taking photos while we all walked towards PS. Ms Tan and Shawn went dating and I went carrefour to search for my X'mas tree deco. Was planning to go drink or club but in the end I chose to go home and deco my tree! But in the end I regretted cause someone made me really quite angry and disappointed. Thx God I chatted with adelene..Haiz, another girl who is quite poor thing..Haaa..Adelene shld knw what I referring to. Anyway I'm gonna cheer up myself with some baley's milk and some snacks while searching for my drama!
I have one more assignment to go and due date is wed. I have no inspiration on how should I start and I'm getting stressed abt it. Hope God will bless me with tht.

Bought the whole set @ $19.90! Thx for Ms Tan recommendation to carrefour.

QQ joined in too~
With the Deco's...Will get the missing star/snowflakes soon! =)

Starring Night & Glows! Suddenly have the urge to play piano. silent night..=x

Jerniece signing off @1:17 AM
Self assembling x'mas Tree
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Since daddy promised to find a x'mas tree for me..So I keep reminding him everyday and finally he brought me to this Industrial Building. He said news paper got a lot of advertisements and kept telling me I should read more newspaper. Is not that I don't want..that's because I'm weak in English, esp vocab. OK-- back to tree topic.. I got this tree at $18 5ft! SAMANTHA--I got my tree liao! ^^
Though the tree is not my desired one but I'm satisfied already.. Cause Daddy paid for it! heex
The one I wished for is much more expensive. The material and texture would be much much nicer! But still, THANK GOD for it cause I wanted to give up buying x'mas tree initially cause I don't have much budget left.
Anyone who are interested, this is the address
105 Tampines Rd
#07-08 Wing Tai Industrial Centre
S (535127)

Unpacking the tree. QQ this KPO queen joined in too..

Still have a long way to go..It's tiring..QQ still wanna be inside the picture..

Finally Done! Next the lightings...

opps..forgotten to switch it on..=x

Ta DA!! Haven't buy decorations yet..
Before I end my entry, I was attacked by this flying beetle! Sighss... I climbed up and down just to catch it. =(

Jerniece signing off @7:27 PM
Personality Test
Everybody is trying this quiz. So I tried too^^. Quite interesting.. 78% quite true.
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties. The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true. Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person. The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with? Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can. The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life. How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous. What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel. Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Jerniece signing off @4:08 PM
Sunday.30 November 08

Been too stress..+ still have to work..= gastric pain! Argh..nvm, good timing for me to eat lesser..=x
Haa..anyway..watched Bevery Hill Chiwawa! Haaaa with Jammy & Bryan after my wrk.. I think dog lovers shld like this movie! It's cute and the main lead "Cloe" really look pretty and cute! Start to like chiwawa too! hee.. We went in late and last min I ran all the way out to buy myself NACHO Cheese!
4/5 for me.Not Bad. But I think Bryan find this show a bit boring? hee..cause he and Jammy like kept chatting.

Jerniece signing off @2:08 AM