Projects Non-Stop
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
How I wish I can say stop to projects or assignments. Everything is piling up including CDS test/assignments/projects. But I'm sure I can do it and I really hope to graduate by this sem!
Anyways.. My only way to put every behind is to DRAMA! haaa..

Completed this show last week. But I didn't really watch all cause I only like the dancing part. Heex~

Been catching up with this funny drama every week since Taiwan is showing now. "Xiao Hua" is totally funny! But sometimes I still find it too over acting. But It's fun watching! Hahhaaaa..talking to the hair drier "huhu"!

This is really addictive. Love the way they solve the crimes. How I wish I am as smart as them. If I were to go back in time, I will study hard so that I can have more choices!

Not forgetting my FAVOURITE one. Gossip Girl. Love this drama. Get to see how they dress and have fun! Love the guy chuck. Though he seems to be quite a womanizer but he seems afraid to be in Love~ Sis had intro me this show since a few months back until Hui transfer me the SEASON 1. =)
Late Liao.. Nites..It's just 12 more hrs to our MP judging...I'm so nervous. Hope it would be over soon... I hate presentations..=(

Jerniece signing off @3:16 AM
Finally Sakae!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
(Thurs)20th NOVHad cravings for sushi..So treated Jammy Sakae. Bryan(Jw cousin) joined us too..
While he's having his hair cut, I went shopping around for my candy cane but found none. =(
In the end I was browsing for X'mas Tree.
(Fri)21th NOV
Planned to pick up my stuff purchase for Sam, Mary & Me! Went alone all the way to clark quay.
Though Jw promised me a shopping at Vivo it was canceled as he needs to get the toner for his uncle printer.Haiz.. So I compromised and I went over to Hougang Mall. While waiting for him, I went to Popular book store to browse story books. One of my x'mas wish list is story books on chick lits/christian living or any of little black dress storybook.
I went over to the Magazine corner and I saw Blake Lively, front cover of Seventeen. So I started browsing..was so stress cause I'm afraid that the popular stuff might shoo me away...heex~
Went over to Comapass Point and see my another option of the tree. Too bad the stock is not in yet.
Samantha, bought no trees in the end.=(
To Adelene: I feel like going ice-skating..Wanna Plan? haha..

Jerniece signing off @2:38 AM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jam initiated a Movie today! I'm so happy! But it's really a short date. Met him around 7.15pm and we went for the movie. The movie is cute! It's quite funny and entertaining to me. Kept laughing. HAha...esp the part the lion dancing and zebra angry with the lion. Overall it's quite fun watching it. It's colourful and makes me feel happy.
Went to take away MOS burger for my dinner and JAM accompanied me till mum reach home as he knew I'm afraid of dark and scared being alone at home at night. Thanks Jammy.. HOpe u can come out with more plannings ok, even though I know it's hard. Just don't give me empty promises or let me wait for ages when u promise somethings.. haha. It's been 4mths when u promise a real shopping date! I wanna get my X'MAs tree..o_o

Jerniece signing off @1:42 AM
It's Time To Work..
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I've not been working for around 3 weeks, so when I'm back at the counter early morning I feel a lil lost. Even had a dream that telling me today don't have to work which cause me waking up late!! :(
Well, God still bless me. Alvin at Lancome counter was working which brightens my day as I can chit chat awhile.
After work, met up with Hui Yun & Jing Fang. Had dinner at WANG at we ate kaya toast bread, eggs and drank tea. Weird dinner right? Had a nice time chatting ...
1. Are we spending the x'mas eve at Ms Tan house as usual? =x Hope Ms Tan & Shawn have time to respond and plan as I know they are super busy with students. I'm just too excited cause celebrating God's Bdae is my FAVOURITE occasion. ^^ Even had plannings to buy X'mas tree liao..
Ooohh, continue..Poor HUi Yun, don't know what hap.pen she had a stomache after the weird dinner.. We went shopping ard and taking pictures of X'mas which I will upload soon..
Had a nice day with them =) Miss those days when we had cell every weekend and going to church! It's really my blessing to know GOD !

Jerniece signing off @1:26 AM
Gossip Girls!
Friday, November 14, 2008
OMG! These few days I've been slping ard 5am in the morning. Totally hooked by this Drama "Gossip Girls". Lots of pretty girls and hot guys to see! O_o
Really can't convince myself to slee p when it comes to the series I like. I would just spent hours to complete it. haaa.. I know it's bad..So might be sleeping soon~ B4 I end, went "JAM's" new house at PUNGGOL. His room is nice. Cosy. He and his brother even have a LCD TV in their room all thank to his aunty. Really have to thank GOD that father still bless them with such a nice aunty and POPO who love them.
That's All.. Nitex~

Jerniece signing off @2:58 AM
My Rest Day
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Planned to bring QQ to sentosa with hui and sugar, but the weather is bad. Anyways has a headache.. So it ended up hui visiting my hse and QQ. I miss BIBI. Think HE had a new haircut and I can't wait to see him! Woof!
Hui and I went to TPY to get her glasses done. While waiting, we went subway to have our dinner. Love subway cause it make me feels healthy? Shared some of the experience I encounter with GOD with hui too.I'm so touch when she's interested to listen.heex~
Shopping around and got some items* heex~ Got sis her summer ONe for her Birthday Present. I can't wait for DEC 28 so I pass her the present. OMG, I really don't know how to survive next month.. 7 ppl birthday + chrismas.. I wonder if I have enough for gift not..HOPE GOD BLESS ME!

Jerniece signing off @3:57 AM
School Days^^
It's been the 3 weeks of schooling.. Have nice days & very bad days too~
But I manage to stay happy thanks to my group of friends.. Had shared problems with them and they supported me! Anyway, we are busy taking care of our TAMAGOTCHI sooo it's a good gadget to put all things aside.=)
Mary is in another class.. SAD! without her our group is slightly quieter.. =( hee~ WE miss her.. Hope she's doing fine there..
These are the photos we had together..Mary will join in the fun too! During MP/SIP we have more pictures lor!

Jerniece signing off @3:33 AM
Saturday (08/11/08)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Val Makeup Artist Exam

My ex counter manager, Valerie and my trainer Novem are going to take their make up artist EXAM!! So I was Val's model.=)
** Picture was accidentally deleted. =(
While they getting ready, I took pictures...
Their first look title was "nude". And the outcome was nice. The first title was easy for val, however the next title was tough for them. It's the "dramatic" look. They were so nervous already and the examiner add on their stress by requesting them to change model as he said that in reality you don't get to choose customers'. So they were really stress!

Dressing up for date.@.@
Hmph..Thank God he planned an outing..if not I'm gg zouk looo...
Nite went dating with JAMMY. Went to to fetch Amos an Adelene and we all head town for movie. We watched Quantum of Solace, and all of us don't quite understand the ending..The action was not bad though. Had supper and punggol naso lemak at upper serangoon road. It started to rain heavily half way through while we were eating...
Had a nice day!^^

Jerniece signing off @2:38 AM
Dentist Trip
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Mum shifts her appt to mine so I went to the dentist today. I'm actually quite afraid of going to the dentist. I hate the "eeeing" sound of the machine when it grinds against ur teeth to remove dirt.. I'm feeling so nervous that I really grabbed my hand very tight. The dentist even throw me a teddy bear to squeeze! haa so kind of her.
I have a tooth that cracks..=( sometimes there will be sharp pain... I think that's the results of the bad habit of biting ice.. If the cracks go deeper I it will be bad.. the only solution now is crowning .. but it's $600+++... Think I rather lose that tooth..=(

Jerniece signing off @11:59 PM
Sibu Kelong Trip '08

Preview of My Sibu Kelong Fishing trip. Visit the album here-->>

Early morning after HALLOWEEN PARTY , it's time to meet the Osprey team ready to set off to Malaysia! Meeting place @ Senkang..Blk 145...4.30am Dear Daddy was really nice to wake up and drive me there. Jam and Des is tying some knots for the hooks I think.. Was a little tired after drinking and partying..-_-zZz

Finally reaching the jetty after 2 hours ride from custom. I had a good nap for 2 hrs!! It's really cold and windy in the morning and full of bugs and funny creatures!!! I hate it! =(
See above-->> It's a beetle I think & it's really quite big..around half of my palm I guess and it is not only 1 that is on the is like..a few of them!!! @@
While waiting, all of us were loitering around and hope the stores there opens so we can get some quick snacks, buying of drink, their fav cigarettes!! etc..

The boat ride to kelong was ok.. Surprisingly I only feel slight giddiness..^_~

This is the place where I slp/rest & nap. That's the thing I did most at the kelong. Eat, slp, and fish. I don't know much about fishing so I did mess up JAm JAm rot a few times..Feel so bad about it cux I can see his friend all starting to fish liao but he still doing his rot cux he had to make one for me first..=X Thanks Jammy..
Soon..I'm feeling hungry so I ate Twisties.. In the end I don't have appetite for lunch.. Few hrs after lunch I'm feeling sleepy so I went for a Nap..When I woke up it's dinner..haa..The food was ok just that eating in a nicer place will make me feel better =/

Sufficient enough for 10 ppl, however I feel like eating I went to buy 2 potato chips and start eating...The all of us continue fishing and jigging of fishes.. The next meal was supper =p and the bee hoon not bad lei...
Time flies.. It's mid night and the tide is getting we went to the area near toilet to jig fish. GUess What..HAAAA... I must say I'm not bad ok.. Many of them waited and no fishes. When Jam passes me his rot and I start to jig I got myself a fish!! AGain n again... WHahahaa...
At the end of the day I feel so sticky & salty.. I went to bathe and the water is cold. THE toilet stinks like hell!!! I almost fainted half way.. Thank God my shampoo and body wash smells nice..
Slep @ 4.30am~

The collections...They were disappointed cux no big fish..But it's ok la.. NExt time okay~
It's nice being away from city... When I'm at kelong all I can see is God's creation..Feeling so comfortable..No worries.. No troubles... No sadness...Or Disappointments..
Better start my homework le!=p Havent even had my lunch... Click the photo link for more ok..~

Jerniece signing off @12:17 PM