Lazy Me.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
I've so much planning for today but I end up fulfilling some of it. I wanted to visit Hui in the morning and then go shop alone for awhile follow by going to church and finally meet JAM.
In the end I visited Hui at 10pm.=p But I know she's happy to see me la.
I had dinner at JAM house. I love the fish that his popo cooked. It is so tasty! The fish look so fresh & white. Plus it's so soft.
Jam drive me to TTSH to visit hui. While waiting for me he napped inside the car. Think he's tired after fishing plus working. But he still put in e effort to bring me out! =) We went to fetch AMOS & Adelene as they are joining us to Mustafa. We spend around 30 mins finding the way there cux JAM thought he knew the short cut! Jam end up inside esso drinking coffee with AMOS. HAA..
We continue the journey but going the long way since JAM says he knew the longer route. HAiz..
Finally we reached Mustafa. It's so crowded but I got the epilator I wanted. Now I am really broke.

Jerniece signing off @4:00 AM
Finally Holiday!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Wow! I'm super happy! Finally my mp-sip ended! I've been waiting for this say.
No thumb print reading.
No lateness.
No brainstorming.
No reports/presentation.
But I enjoyed e time I had with KAT the lao ah gua, Sam the bullying hare & Mary the rat!
Haaaa... esp when we get to IKEA, BARANG BARANG and taking lots of pics.
Hui is hospitalized. I'm so shocked and worried. She's always so active & like more healthier than me. Visited her and she looked so tired. =( Hope she would recover soon. Meet Lynn & Ann. Missed the sec school days.Had my dinner with JAM after visiting Hui. It's fri night and I wanted an outing, I ended up home alone. It's my 1st time staying at home without my family. I felt so brave. Haa..Anyway I think that's because i'm so tired after writing and editing of reports.
Jam went fishing with friends. Main objective is to pei Gilbert fishing. Gilbert so xing fu lo. haa..

Jerniece signing off @3:26 AM
Monday, August 18, 2008
17th of AUG
It's Bibi 4th years old birthday. We celebrated with bibi after my work. JW wanted to buy cake as a bdae gift but it's sold out I think, so he bought dogs meat balls for BIBI. For me, I bought BIBI a "coma" singlet . =p
Since daddy & mummy love sports thats why we bought "puma"designed singlet. But besides sleeping whole day long and don't like playing with toys we both agreed that "coma" is very suitable for BIBI..hee..
Anyway BIBI had a hair cut. BOTAK style. Same as the first time when we saw him.


With Daddy.

With his 'coma" Singlet .

Bye~ Birthday Boy waving off.

Jerniece signing off @4:46 AM