Shifting Day
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The only good thing for today is i hit my monthly target for my work. Other than that everything was quite bad.
1st, flu/sore throat/fever.
2nd, never hit daily target.
3rd, news from sis saying my mini wardrobe from ikea is Very Big and took out a big space. True enough when i reached home my half windows were being covered.
4th, formation for my room was all messed up. No place for my bed.
5th, really getting very cold as my fever temp is rising.
6th, I miss Sengkang.
so = Unhappy.

Jerniece signing off @10:29 AM
Early in the morning, er jiu came over to unscrew our bed so tonite my sis & I would be sleeping on the mattress only. Then i spend rest of my day packing my stuffs! After 3 hrs...I'm still not done.. 5 hrs.. I'm haiving a very bad sore throat and flu and still not yet done! haaa... I think girls have lots of stuffs to be packed ba..esp clothes!!@_@ anyway i packed all the way till midnight and i am dead tired with my bad flu.

Jerniece signing off @10:12 AM
It had been a very busy week for me...
Finally it's Fri and it's TPDE concert chasing dreams!! Yeah...
Though I'm only involve in 1 item but i enjoyed the whole concert with nice songs! My item was emo, bleeding love. Wanted to edit my marketing proposal last night but fell asleep. I've been sleeping late and getting panda eyes.
I'm going out with Jam tonight after my concert and his work if only my dad allow him to drive his car as we don't want to spend any extra cash on TAXI!!! Haa, but thank God, Dad lend JW his car. I was so happy I am finally going to relax for awhile but who knows... I fall sick immediately and I was so tired. Since there's no available movie slots for us we went to eat Macdonald at AMK then we head home.haaa..

Jerniece signing off @12:00 PM