Thursday, June 26, 2008
Considered a V.bad day for me.
Today's my 2nd time overslept on bus to AIRPORT! When i opened my eyes i'm already in the entrance of terminal 2 checkpoint. =(
I'm so dissapointed ... i've already making progress not being late and being on time to catch the bus no.27 the end i'm still LATE!
It's already the 13th time and I'm starting to afraid if this would affect my MP. Haiz...Besides Being late I even lost my Hp pouch AGAIN. =(
Hope God would help and bless me..I'm trying... I don't want to repeat MP because it's very boring!

Jerniece signing off @1:51 PM
YEA. today reached school 9am 13 sec...Not counted late. I'm so happy because i've been reaching school early these 3 days.^^ Gonna win my bet! YEAH! Anyway, rushing projects are tiring...espcially today. 4 of us are rushing our projects like idiots. Samantha the worst, she is the most hardworking but her computer cannot save pics documents but our hard work pay off. After meeting our supervisor, he commented us good work.=) However, I forgotten to bring my journal...He wanted to commment v.good!=/
Went we for our evening meal then went to engineering hall 1 to continue our research. SAM,KAT & MARY busy sending my uglt pics around! hmph...NVM, if mary come across my blog...MARY,sam sent 1 of ur uglt pic!!!=p seeeeee<<<
YA, anyway e ugly pic still there cux they kept bluetooth each other! argh..=(
MARY< KAT< SAM...wait..soon be ur turn ya..heeeeeeex
Jerniece signing off @4:53 PM