Thursday, May 29, 2008
Ever since dad suggested moving back to AMK house after grandma passed away, I felt angry and scared. Firstly, I afraid of "dark & ghost" even though I know she's my grandma. I'm really scared that I might suffer from my "imaginations" because I know I am A+++ ppl in imaginations.Haiz.. Secondly, the interior designs are really old and some dirty and faulty and I'm so used in living in such comfortable house in SK. I was hoping that it won't come true, but DAD told me that we moving in. AHHH...My dad said we only living for 1yr plus there as he knows not all of us wants to stay there. Not to burden daddy I think no choice, endure 1 yr plus we might shift to BISHAN. That sounds better cause it might be a new house. =)But seriously i'm really really scared. I'm worried mum & I like to scare ourselves. The worst thing is when I am feeling down and I wanted to someone to console me, that person asked me WAIT for hours. I understand that the person might be busy with studies but it hurts me. haiz.

Jerniece signing off @12:21 AM
Saturday, May 24, 2008
****Updates****Well, my group members and I are hardworking people. :) Busy doing research everyday. We even went "excursion" to IKEA!! We enjoyed collecting information as well as taking pictures in the children section!!! Seeeeee o_O
DOg. ? .CAT
Sam's got DRAGON!
Nice Mirror huh.
*Pony ride anyone?
Fairy Tales..
Sea Monster!!

Jerniece signing off @2:13 AM